Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Talking To Your Kids About Sex Part 2

A Woman's Monthly Cycle

A month ago, I bought a book for Son No. 1 to teach him the ins and outs about sex. 

Ba ha ha ha ha ha..

I ended up buying him this book which is beyond awesome. An hour after giving it to him he was on page 35.  Apparently if you want to encourage boys to read, just give them a book about sex and contains all the embarrassing words that will throw them into fits of laughter.  Vagina anyone?

While he was reading, I'd ask him if he had any questions or have him explain something to me to make sure he was understanding what he was reading.  

And he is.  Better than I thought.

Because today while they were getting ready for school, he happened to go in my purse and come across a *ahem* womanly product that's used on a monthly basis. He looked at it and said "I know what you use this for".

And I was all "Really"

*eyes him suspiciously*

And he was all "Ya".

Then Son No. 2 was all "I want to know" so because I wanted to hear what Son No. 1 had to say, I gave him the go ahead to teach his brother about tampons not knowing where the conversation would take us.

I'm all crazy *waves arms around manically* with my parenting skills that way. It's like the wild west around here.

"Well" he said, "It's a tube filled with cotton and a woman inserts it in her vagina *also insert two boys bursting into gales of laughter here* for when her egg doesn't meet up with a seed and then it comes out of her body with a bit of blood and she doesn't want to get her clothes messy".

Pretty accurate, no?  Husband and I looked at each other eyes widened, eyebrows raised whilst holding in our laughter. 

Then hubby asked Son No. 1 where he learned that and Son No. 1 told us it was from the book I got him.

He then told us he could turn any word into a curse word by adding "hole" to it.

He's right.

I'm pretty sure that wasn't in the book though.
