Lisa Thornbury: Party Mummy


Peanut Butter Recipes The Whole Family Will Love

Honk if you like peanut butter!

We enjoy peanut butter in some form several times a week. Fortunately there are no nut allergies in our family so we’re free to go, you know, nuts. Thank goodness because as parents of an extremely picky eater, peanut butter has been a staple at our house.

My daughter was tube fed as an infant. When she started actually eating on her own, to say she was picky is an understatement. I’ve had to become a stealth food disguiser, adding oils to her cereal, sneaking in protein powders and spinach to her smoothies, shredding zucchini into her pasta sauce, etc.

Packed with protein, peanut butter is the one “sure thing” in the Thornbury kitchen. Obviously we don’t send peanut butter to school, but breakfasts and snacks often involve PB. One of my daughter’s faves is PB and Honey Oatmeal.

When I heard the Kraft Peanut Butter Truck was cruising across Canada this summer, looking for homes to visit during their Spread the Feeling campaign, I eagerly raised my hand in the air only to realize I had peanut butter on my thumb.

Lucky for us, our drive-way was one of the stops on the tour!

*Please note, the truck was not driven by chubby teddy bears, but by actual licence holding humans (the bears were in the back trying to break into the freezer).

When the truck arrived to serve us and some friends a truck load of tasty treats, we were very excited. The Kraft team had prepared some really tasty peanut butter creations!

In addition to these yummy treats, they also prepared peanut butter cups made with white chocolate for my son who despises brown chocolate (I know, right? Who doesn’t like chocolate?? I checked his birth certificate again and he is indeed mine).

My kids put on aprons and got to work – something about child labour to replace the bears who had gone missing somewhere during the truck's passage through the Rockies. ;)

My daughter went to town on the Peanut Butter Belgians! I enjoyed the PB Thai Taster and have since added it to our family pre-dinner menu rotation (the kids often nibble on veggies and dip at the table while I’m getting dinner ready).

The kids and I came up with this yummy after school snack we call, PB&B On A Stick.


  • Slice one fresh banana in half vertically
  • Slide onto a popsicle stick
  • Spread on peanut butter
  • Roll in topping of  your choice e.g. chocolate chips (white chocolate chips shown here), raisins, cranberry, granola

For more peanut butter recipes visit and for some really creative PB recipes submitted by peanut butter lovers across Canada visit here.

The Yummy Mummy Club is pretty nutty too (oh man, do I have stories...) Here are some of YMC's favourite peanut buttery recipes:

What's your favourite peanut butter recipe?

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post, however I did receive some peanut butter products (licks lips) to sample. All tasty opinions are my own.