
Spritz Your Wine Pink

Make A Pink Lady This Summer

Spritz Your Wine Pink

How to make a Pink Lady white wine spritzer

I'm not a wine snob. I'll happily drink an $8 bottle of white without complaint unless it's awfully oaky or sickly sweet. Then I'll scrunch up my nose and wine whine until somebody refills my glass. 

I also enjoy a spritzer—the usual kind, soda and wine over ice. These wine spritzers make a refreshing, alcohol and calorie-wise alternative to a regular glass of wine.

This summer my sister in law introduced me to a new way to spritz. She calls this drink "The Pink Lady." Sure, it's not as calorie friendly as its traditional spritzer sister and it *may* be a titch boozier, but it's goooooood. And the recipe is so simple it'll make your cheeks blush pink. 

Why partake in a Pink Lady?

  • It's pretty and pink.
  • It's refreshing and delish.
  • It's fruity and fun.  
  • Sometimes we crave a little novelty in our glass.
  • It's an easy way to make an $8 bottle of wine taste less, um, $8-ish. 

So...let's spritz!

 Fill a glass with ice.

 Fill 3/4 with white wine.

 Top with your choice of carbonated wine or vodka cooler. The kind you buy in a can. We used the Palm Bay Ruby Grapefruit and it was delightful. 

 Garnish with whatever fruit you have around. I recommend a sliced strawberry stolen from your child's dinner plate.

Cheers! Looking good, Pink Lady!

 RELATED: Summertime Bliss - The Perfect Strawberry Peach Sangria



This Hot Cocoa Ain't For Kids

Try A Chicken Bone Cocoa—A Super Simple Campfire Cocktail

This Hot Cocoa Ain't For Kids


Here are a few things I discovered this summer—plus a campfire cocktail you're going to want to try!

1. No matter where I sit at a campfire I will be blinded by smoke within 30 seconds. 

2. I can actually survive a week in the wild without wifi.

3. A leech can be removed from your foot by dosing it with a few drops of rubbing alcohol. 

4. Black Flies are annoying a-holes. 

5. Deer Flies are even bigger a-holes. 

6. My thumb appears in a surprising amount of photos. 

7. Nobody looks good in swim goggles. 

8. Beach Waves look amazing on some people. I am not one of those people. #kramerfromseinfeld

9. When you're away and missing a friend, you just might find a random coffee cup with her name on it. "Hi Sharon!" 

10. A hot mug of (adult) cocoa makes a campfire hotter. As in hawter. *Please note: The temperature of the campfire actually remains the same. 

Make a mug of Chicken Bone Cocoa to enjoy around the campfire! Remember those Chicken Bone candies? Cinnamon on the outside, chocolate on the inside. Hot chocolate and a shot of Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey tastes just like this nostalgic candy in tasty cocktail form. Thanks for the recipe Heather! 

*Warning: If you open a bottle of Fireball, you will immediately have this song stuck in your head for about 72 hours.

Pssssst... in the winter mix 2 parts Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey with 1 part eggnog to make a festive Firenog shot.

 RELATED: Know what else is fun to make around the campfire? These marshmallow shooter cups!