Is there anything more ridiculous than the self-inflicted ailment - the hangover? The movie was funny, but the real deal? Not so much. By the way, that link takes you to the Urban Dictionary defintion of "hangover"...which made me laugh my head off. Good thing I'm not hungover because laughing while hungover hurts. See? Real life hangovers are not funny.
I’ve tried many “cures” in my day, but this morning-after drink is my favourite. I was introduced to the Banana Lassi years ago in a little beach side café in India and have been a fan ever since. The banana is rich in magnesium and potassium, which helps to balance electrolytes. The honey builds up depleted blood sugar levels and soothes the stomach, while the yogurt and water rehydrate your ailing system.
So if you’re hungover tomorrow after ringing in the New Year, this Lassie can’t rescue you.
But this lassi can!!
Banana Lassi
150 g ice cubes
150 ml water
150 g natural/plain yogurt
2 ripe bananas, peeled and roughly chopped
2 tsp honey
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg (optional)
Blend all ingredients together in a blender until smooth.
Here’s to a happy and healthy new year everybody!
Cheers! ~Party Mummy
I love holiday traditions. One of my favourites is the elfin house guest who arrives straight from the North Pole to live with us for the week before Christmas. By day, he's a stuffed toy. By night, he comes to life only to be discovered in the most ridiculous situations by morning. The kids are amazed and delighted. Know who else is delighted? My husband and I. We have a hoot every night deciding when, where and with whom to place the elf for the kids to find. Seriously, Christmas is THE best time to be a parent.
However, some traditions aren’t quite as cherished. For example, our annual holiday pictorial. So I forced my husband to wear an elf hat with a little dingly bell one year? So what? Besides, I thought he looked hawt in tights. I’m dying to post the picture, but he has payback pictures of me. So, I can’t share the elf family photo, but there’s this...
It was looking like we were on the cusp of being featured on, so hubby put his elf shoe down and proclaimed the end of this particular tradition.
However, our annual Christmas Breakfast is a tradition that has firmly taken root. The thought of spending Christmas day in the kitchen preparing a turkey makes me all Grinchy. So, my parents and in-laws alternate Christmas dinner hosting duties. The grandparents come over to our house in the morning to watch the kids open their gifts and we all have breakfast together. It’s casual. As in, unbrushed hair and pjs all around. Since I’m not a fan of being sequestered to the kitchen away from the fireplace, happy children and the Boney M Christmas soundtrack, the majority of the meal is prepared the night before. (p.s. I searched everywhere and couldn’t find a photo of our family breakfast. I’m sure it’s directly related to the “unbrushed hair” situation).
Here’s Our Traditional Christmas Breakfast Menu:
Coffee...lots and lots of coffee
Fruit juice – apple, orange and cranberry
Fruit tray – melon, grapes, bananas, strawberries and
blueberries; washed and ready the night before.
Hubby’s famous scrambled eggs (seriously, I married him for his
good looks and quick wit, but I stick around for his eggs).
Overnight Strawberry French Toast
Cheesey Scrambled Eggs
Whisk together eggs.
Heat up a non-stick pan (or spray with vegetable oil) over medium-high heat.
Pour in the eggs and turn the heat down to medium-low.
Cook for about a minute.
Gently move a wooden spoon across bottom and sides of the pan to form large, soft curds. Cook until eggs are thickened and no visible liquid egg remains, but they are still moist.
Sprinkle with sharp cheddar cheese. Fold the cheese in and allow to melt.
Serve and tell everyone what an “eggs-cellent” cook you are (His joke. Every year. Hopefully Santa will bring him some new material).
Overnight Strawberry French Toast - put it together the night before and pop it in the oven in the morning.
1 large day old crusty loaf
¾ cup chopped slivered almonds, toasted
1 container (250 g) strawberry cream cheese
¼ cup light strawberry jam
12 eggs
2 cups milk
1 tsp. almond extract
2 tsp. vanilla extract
Cooking spray
Icing sugar, butter, maple syrup
Cut bread into 12 slices approximately 2.5 cm thick. Make a pocket in each slice by cutting slices in half horizontally leaving about 2.5 uncut. Combine almonds, cream cheese and jam. Spread about 2 tbsp. cream cheese mixture into bread pocket. Place in two 13 x 9-inch pans. Beat together eggs, milk, almond extract and vanilla extract. Pour an equal amount of egg mixture in each pan and turn each slice over. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Spray a 15 x 10-inch pan with vegetable spray. Place bread slices in pan. Bake at 375°F for 15 minutes; turn over and bake 10 minutes longer or until golden brown. Sift icing sugar over French toast and serve with butter and maple syrup.
After a hearty breakfast, we're ready to play all day. Last year Santa kindly gave us a hockey net and we spent the day out on the ice. How did he know we just set up a rink? It's almost like a little elf told him or something...
When I was asked me to share my tips for surviving the holidays, I knew exactly which topic to tackle...wrapping for dummies. Me, being the biggest dummy of all. Need proof? After watching an online tutorial on gift wrapping with foil, I decided to give it a try. The gift was supposed to resemble a silvery surprise, NOT a lasagne.
So clearly I'm gift wrap challenged. Though I have no problem wrapping gifts for my two Santa lovin’ kids. I could wrap their presents in toilet paper and they’d be happy. My challenge is teacher gifts.
We’ve been blessed with an amazing team of dedicated teachers, educational assistants and therapists who support my daughter every time. I can’t very well wrap their presents in toilet paper now can I? I want to show my appreciation by giving this sweet team of people something sweet in return this holiday.
And, what makes a sweeter gift than chocolate? Nuthin'. It’s a crowd pleaser and it's relatively inexpensive...which is essential when you’re buying for fourteen (I wasn’t kidding when I said my daughter has a “team”). And since teachers receive their gifts well before the holidays, even if they themselves don’t enjoy chocolate, they can surely use this tasty gift when entertaining this season.
Last week I picked up an assortment of chocolates. I felt like a kid in a candy store. Literally. I couldn't decide between my go-to Lindor treats or the traditional Pot of Gold with the chocolate "map." I remember pouring over that map as a child, planning which candy I'd choose next. Ahhhh, memories. I also grabbed some tape, curling ribbon, a roll of kraft paper, cello wrap, and a roll of plain white gift wrap. I was ready to wrap and roll!
Of course, I want the end result to be beautiful, but I don't want to spend a fortune on paper and embellishments. I’m frugal like that. (Your local Dollar Store is a good place to pick up some of these wrapping essentials). I also like the idea of adding functionality, staying as green as possible, and involving my kids in the process. Wrapping beautifully, yet frugally—that's my goal this season. That, and giving gifts that DON'T resemble frozen entrées .
Here are seven SIMPLE ways to wrap your sweet gifts beauti-frugally...
1. Combine Two Gifts In One - For a fabulous female in your life, wrap your gift in a scarf. Here’s how.
2. Make Your Wrapping Fun, Funky and Functional - For a groovy guy in your life (a male teacher perhaps?) tie a ribbon around your gift and attach a holiday themed neck tie.
3. Involve Your Kids - Mine always make, or at least sign, the cards for their teachers. Now they make gift wrap too! Just roll out plain white gift wrap on the table and let your children adorn it with red and green paint thumb prints. When it dries, you’ll have beautifully personalized gift wrap (plus you can check “do something crafty with the kids” off your mom-list). Add a ribbon and a gift tag and ta-dah!
4. Involve Your Kids II - While you have the paint out, use your child's hand to stamp gifts wrapped in simple brown paper.
5. Re-Use - You know those trimmed off bits of gift wrap you usually toss? Instead, wrap a strip around the center of a gift wrapped in plain Kraft paper. Simple.
6. Personalize - Make your own gift tags and if your child is old enough, have them write the message. Here’s how:
And that my friends, is a wrap! May your holiday be merry and sweet.
It’s all proudly sponsored by our friends at
photo credit: wrapped gifts with string and paper tape scissors on wood table via photopin (license)