Let me start this post by coming out and saying I'm sorry. Believe me, I am sorry. I am writing about back-to-school products in July, because, let's face it, with August around the corner, it's time to start preparing for back-to-school! Right?
There is no other season I love as much as summer, but fall is a close second, especially because of all the excuses we have to go shopping. I love buying new backpacks and lunch bags for my children so they can start the new school year fresh.
Every year since my oldest son started junior kindergarten, I've always shopped at Pottery Barn Kids for back-to-school supplies like backpacks, lunch bags, and food storage containers. We love the choices, and the quality.
Here are my favourite pieces from the Fall 2013 Pottery Barn Kids Collection:
Batman Lunch Bag: Either one of these Batman Lunch Bags are perfect for my five year old who is starting senior kindergarten! After all, he's the biggest Batman fan out there. These lunch bags, which are super easy to clean, and can hold a lot of different food containers, sell for $29.99.
Star Wars Darth Vader Backpack: No doubt about it—this awesome new Darth Vader backpack will be what my seven year old will be carrying as he starts grade three! I love that even though Pottery Barn Kids had Batman and Star Wars themed backpacks last year, they changed the look of them this year. The large backpack (any smaller would be better suited for a child in kindergarten) sells for $59.24.
Mackenzie Lavender Dot Lunch Bags: Of course Pottery Barn Kids has the cutest lunch bags and backpacks for girls, too. I love this one, especially the colour combination. The retro lunch bag (left) and the classic lunch bag (right) are both $29.29.
My First Snack Bag: I love this shark snack bag! It's perfect for the little ones who are in half-day preschool or nursery school.
Fairfax Pink Backpacks: I am so in love with these pink backpacks! Luckily, I have a three year old niece who I know would love the pink backpack with the ballerina shoes. The backpacks range in price from $31.90 for the mini, to $91.79 for the large rolling backpack.
Mackenzie Water Bottles: These are so cute. I think I've got two in mind for my boys already—the Batman and Star Wars ones! They sell for just under $30.00 each.
Stainless Steel Bento Boxes: I love all the food containers at Pottery Barn Kids, and these stainless steel ones are perfect to store healthy snacks for the children while they're at school. These (sure to last a long time) sell for $63.14.
Hot and Cold Containers: I have used these for several years now, and they really do keep lunches warm. They are the perfect size, too.
Have I (or rather, Pottery Barn Kids) inspired you to start your back-to-school shopping yet? I for one am officially ready... to go shopping, at least. I'll take a few more weeks by the pool, though!
Happy back-to-school shopping!
You can learn even more ways to get organized and transition from summer to school on our Back-To-School 2014 page.