
How To Help Your Children Survive Houseguests

Enjoy A Wonderful Visit By Following A Few Child-Friendly Rules

How To Help Your Children Survive Houseguests

How to survive having houseguests

This has been an insanely busy month for us. We spent the first two weeks visiting family in Calgary and these last two weeks are going to be spent with family visiting us from overseas. To say the least, this has been quite the change of pace from our usual routine. I’d say it has been especially challenging for my two daughters who naturally, like most young children, fare better with their normal routines.

Being a houseguest or having houseguests can both be equally hard on children. It can disrupt their schedules and throw their small worlds into disarray. However, I’ve found that there are ways to minimize the negative effects so that everyone involved can enjoy the experience and have a great time. Because I’ve been sticking to a few houseguest rules, my children are having an incredible time with friends and family with only minor hiccups:

  • Stick as closely as possible to nap and bedtime routines. Children need rest and sleep! This is absolutely non-negotiable. There are no ifs, ands, or buts. My children are a terror when they’re tired so I try to make sure they get their naps in and enough sleep at night no matter what we’re up to. If I know that we’re going to be out of the house, I try to schedule the longer drives around naptime so that they can still get some shut-eye.
  • Eat healthy, balanced meals. When there’s a lot going on, it can be very difficult to get children to sit down for proper meals but I find it’s so important. My older daughter hates to eat as it is and it becomes even harder when there are a lot of people around to distract her. However, I try to make sure she gets at least three healthy meals a day because there is a definite difference in her disposition when she doesn’t. Sugar and fast food are frenemies that don’t mix well with my daughter so I try my hardest to avoid them. Not to mention the fact that a hungry child is a cranky child.
  • Get them involved. My daughter loves to ‘plan’ our days with guests. She picks which snacks we will take with us, helps pack the bags we need, gathers together some toys for her baby sister. I find that as long as she is a part of the decision-making and organization, she’s much more excited and likely to cooperate with the day’s activities.
  • Maintain some routine in the day. Even when we have a thousand things going on and guests to entertain, I try to keep a semblance of normalcy. I find that just a few minutes of her regular, everyday activities helps to keep my daughter grounded and tantrum-free. Reading a book, putting together a small puzzle, blowing bubbles outside. Anything that that allows me to spend alone time with her so she doesn’t feel abandoned nor ignored while providing for some sense of stability.
  • Accept that they’re going to get spoiled. When we’re visiting family, I fully realize that my daughters are going to be indulged more than I’d like but I let it go. Whether this means my youngest isn’t going to be put down the entire visit or my oldest is going to get more candy than she needs, there are some things I just have to turn a blind eye to. Family visits and vacations are about having a good time, even if it means my children will get away with far more than I’d like.

As long as I am able to accommodate my children, there is nothing I enjoy more than family gatherings and spending time with the people I love. With just a little bit of thoughtful planning, everyone can have a wonderful time, including my young daughters.

What are some of your tips to managing your children during family and friend visits?


Sexcereal: Just Another Breakfast Option....

With Benefits

Sexcereal: Just Another Breakfast Option....

Increase Women's Sex Drive Cereal

There is an actual product called Sexcereal that is available on your grocery store shelves. I swear I’m not lying. It’s a legit for-real cereal that exists.

I was watching the evening news and happened to catch a segment about this nutritious breakfast alternative. It is marketed as a big life functional food that will fuel your fire. Apparently this cereal will increase a women's sex drive. I’m not making any of this up. I swear, even the news is no longer safe. Thank goodness my husband wasn’t home or else who knows, I might just end up finding it in our pantry. How’s that for a hint? Besides, I’d hate to throw out perfectly good food.

Seriously. Cereal? Is that what the problem is? That’s what I’ve been missing? Good to know that I’m just making the wrong breakfast choices. Major sigh of relief.

For God’s sake. Who even came up with this? It must be a man because most women know better. We know that it’s not cereal we need, it’s time. Time is the culprit, people. We have much too much to do in the mornings than worry about….ahem….what this cereal promises to help us with. We have children and pets to feed, lunches to make, coffee to be consumed. I just don’t have the time for these other sorts of activities, sorry.

Unless, of course, this cereal managed to get my floors mopped and bathrooms cleaned for me. Maybe it could also figure out what’s for dinner and get started on that. And while it’s at it, maybe dust the baseboards because those suckers haven’t seen a duster up close since we moved in. In fact, I could probably come up with a whole slew of things that need to be done around the house. All of which unfortunately take precedence over that which the cereal is selling.

If only I could ever get everything done that needs to get done. Maybe some help with that and I might just find myself with some free time.

Then by all means, bring on the cereal.


Too Young To Feel This Damn Old

Getting Old Is A Pain In The Neck...And The Back....And The Knees.

Too Young To Feel This Damn Old

I’ve realized something recently. I’m getting old.

There’s not one specific event that has led me to this revelation but rather, a bunch of little things that slowly but surely have made me face the cold, hard truth. And trust me, it feels cold.

It started off innocently enough. For example, I am a high heels sort of girl. I’ve worn them since about the age of five. Which, coincidentally, is when I stopped growing. Anyways, so when I got married I bought my first pair of flats. I thought they were cute and I could wear them occasionally. Occasionally turned into most of the time. Most of the time has now become all of the time. Recently, I tried to wear high heels and had to take them off after a couple hours because my knees couldn’t take it anymore. Oh, my knees. That’s basically like verification that the aging process is in full effect.

And then there’s the slight problem with my back. The slight soreness that I adamantly try to ignore in hopes that it just isn’t real. You know what back pain means to me? It means I’m old in a really, really, really old way. I remember being a kid and my mom would always complain about her back. And you know what I thought about that? I thought she was old. In my childish world, back pain was only for the old. And well, that’s become my reality now.

How did this even happen? It’s like it just crept up on me. One minute I’m dancing and young and foolish. The next I’m the mother of two children with real world responsibilities. Not that I would trade it for anything. I love my life as it is but why must these little annoyances of aging be the tradeoff? I could do without the wrinkles, the aching knees, the sore back.

I’m telling you, youth is wasted on the young. A mother could do with the endless energy and stamina that teenagers have. The teens are just going to sleep it away anyway. Share some with us mothers who really need it. And it sure would be nice to walk out of the house without those pesky under-eye circles. The young have time to get all dolled up so let them worry about perfectly trying to conceal circles. Mothers just want to get to where they’re going on time and without spending time trying to hide tired eyes. Not to mention the aches and pains that I have no use for. The young would probably be able to handle them much better than me with their boundless energy. I bet they wouldn’t even notice.

Seriously, this just makes me realize those country songs have it right — I’m much too young to feel this damn old.