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Make Winter Your Bitch

In the not too distant past, upon winter's arrival, I would curl up in a fetal position. I would rock gently back and forth, chanting, "Go away. Just go away," but it never would. No matter what I did, winter continued on its merry way, unconcerned in the least with my opinion.

I dreamed of moving to a warmer climate, but it would seem that Jamaica doesn't have a burgeoning demand for bloggers. I cursed my ancestors. Of all the places they could have settled, why here? Why not Florida?! I dropped the F word repeatedly—freezing. I was not a happy camper.

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Fast forward to this year and I am already mourning the too short season of winter. You read that correctly. I don't want it to end, I've been having way too much fun! Here's what I did to make winter not only bearable but unbeatable in the fun books.

1) I faked it. Trust me.

Nowhere is the old adage "fake it 'til you make it" more appropriate. I started to tell myself I loved winter. I found the good side in all aspects of the season, even when we were shivering in sub-zero temperatures. If it was too cold outside it meant I could snuggle under my Hudson Bay Blanket with a good book and nest. It was all good.

2) I took up snowshoeing with my family.

This was a crucial step in my embrace winter philosophy. It got us outside on cold days, and it wasn't difficult to learn. As an added bonus, the investment for equipment was minimal. Snowshoeing began to take my fake it mentality into make it reality when I began to notice the beauty found in the woods during the winter months.

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3) I invested in proper winter attire.

For years I had a fashion over function mindset in the winter. To this day I remember breaking down crying at a bus stop in the dead of winter in my beautiful flats in -20C weather. Yeah, I looked great, like a great big fool. As the years went by I slowly got wiser, but when I decided I was going to make winter my bitch, I got down to brass tacks. In my winter attire you will now find baclavas, toques, wool socks, base layers, leather mittens, Arctic outerwear, warm boots and hand and feet warmers. Where I used to step outside and curse until I stepped back in, I now step out and wonder what everyone is fussing about.

4) I make stepping outside a priority every single day.

Sometimes it's just around the block—even I can't condone hours outside when the mercury dips below -25—and other days I work hard to get 10,000 steps in my day. I can say unequivocally that this simple step has made a huge difference in my feelings toward winter. Cabin fever is a real thing people, and fresh air is the cure.

5) Some suggest that space is the final frontier.

Screw that. For me it was skiing. Skiing absolutely terrified me and therefore I was determined to conquer it. From a massive breakdown on the bunny hill last year to skiing blue runs this year I can honestly say that skiing has been the final step in my transformation from winter hater to winter lover.

Now here I am mid-February and I'm already dreading the end of the season. Yeah, yeah, I know summer is coming but where can I ski in July?

Nobody can make you love winter. I'm only trying to make it the season easier for you. So unless you're planning a move to warmer climes, invest in some warm weather gear and get out there. It's a season too good to be missed.