Candace Derickx: See Mummy Juggle


Find the Kind

Being Kind is Good for You

You know how when someone points out your inadequacies you eventually start to believe them? If they point it out to you all the time then there must be something to it, right? We are incredibly influenced by the power of suggestion, particularly the negative. This is how it is with the world sometimes. If you listen to the media enough you start to think we live in a real hell hole. It seems the world is full of jerks, child molesters, rapists, common criminals and crooked politicians. We feel cynicism start to live within our bones and we raise our eyebrows when good intentions are mentioned. What’s in it for you, we wonder?

That’s wrong. Why do we choose to live in that place?

The reality is far more good happens in a day than bad but we just don’t report it. Papers wouldn’t sell if the lead story was that Bob bought Sue a cup a coffee, or Mary called Nancy to cheer her up, or that Sharon helped her friend Candace. You see what I’m saying? These are small things but they are inherently good and it is all around us, we just need to open our eyes.

There are terrible, rotten things that happen everyday, of that there is no doubt. We have to stay informed and know what’s going on. There is no suggestion here to be an ostrich. I am challenging you though to throw on your rose-coloured glasses. Notice when someone opens the door for you. Pause when someone says thank you. Look someone in the eyes when they talk to you. Smile back.

We are at risk of losing these things if we continue to ignore them. If the small gestures of compassion disappear than the grand ones will follow suit. Stop feeding the monster that is rudeness, negativity and harm. Acknowledge it and then swiftly dismiss it. It can not flourish if no one pays it attention.

So my message to you is to find the kind. It is everywhere. Notice it. Respond accordingly and a whole new world opens up around us.

On that note, I’d like to introduce you to a new place at The Yummy Mummy Club. I am particularly proud of this page because it is a joint effort between all the bloggers here. When you can’t find the kind. When your spirits are down and you need inspiration. If you’re looking to turn your frown upside down then come join us in Our Happy Place.
