
Two Lessons I've Learned Through My Kids

What My Children Have Taught Me About Awareness And Failure

In their speech at my wedding and at my brother’s wedding, my parents talked about how they had “grown up” with us, how they had learned important lessons with — and through — us. I didn’t truly understand those words until I became a mom. When I got married, I thought I was an adult. I thought I was clear on who I was, that I had a good handle on how to deal with most situations, and that my life experiences so far had prepared me for raising kids.

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Outdoor Yoga

A Yoga Sequence For The Summer

Summer. The word conjures up images of sunshine, water, heat, the outdoors. Most of us spend the better part of our year looking forward to summertime and all that goes along with it.

One of my favourite things about summer is my outdoor yoga practice. Feeling the fresh air on my skin, listening to the sounds of nature, and feeling the ground beneath my feet. I practice in my backyard, on a dock, in a park, by a lake, wherever I can. Sometimes my kids will join me, sometimes they’ll just climb all over me, and sometimes I enjoy the peacefulness of a solo practice.

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How To Approach Life With An Open Heart

Three Yoga Poses To Keep You Open, Energized, and Centred

yoga poses for an open heart

We need to take care of our hearts. It’s a no-brainer, right? Do the recommended amount of cardio to get the blood pumping, limit the amount of stress we subject ourselves to, and eat a nutritious diet in order to live an energetic and healthy life. But what about taking care of the heart in a different way?

In yoga, we nurture the heart physically, but we also recognize the power of the heart on an emotional and spiritual level.

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Stepping Back

My Meditation on Goodbye

At the beginning of 2012, I wrote a post about how different the “new year” felt for me this year. That my phrase for the year would be “where attention flows, energy goes.”

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In my work as a yoga teacher, I have a number of clients with some form of arthritis or auto-immune disease. Many people think arthritis is a disease that affects only the elderly or former pro athletes. Not true. The average age for onset of arthritis is between 41 and 50, no pro sports experience required. And a lesser-known but important fact is that it is among the most common chronic diseases in children. Arthritis comes in many shapes and forms. There are over 100 different types, and it estimated that 4.6 million Canadians live with some variety of the disease.

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Happy Hamstrings

Yoga Moves to Stretch the Hamstrings

I have a friend with "angry" hamstrings (you know who you are). In fact, I have a lot of clients, friends and colleagues with angry hamstrings. Whether it’s from too many years of biking or running, too many years of sitting at a desk, or too many years of not enough stretching, there are a lot of people walking around out there with chronically tight, inflexible and just plain angry hamstrings.

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Nine Ways to Practice Yoga Safely

How to do yoga without wrecking your body

This is an important discussion. As with any other physical activity, yoga has varying degrees of difficulty and not every body is suited for all challenges. Sometimes our bodies (or our minds) are simply not ready for a posture.

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With Christmas bearing down on us like an express train, I’m looking towards the holiday festivities with excitement and trepidation. As sure as the sky is blue, there will be moments over the next two weeks when I feel like I’m going to lose my mind. And since the lessons I learn on the yoga mat are a continual source of inspiration for my life off the mat, I thought I’d turn to my yoga practice for some tips on getting through the holidays with as much joy and peace I can muster.

Here are three elements of my yoga practice that I intend to put to good use:

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Change. It is in the air. Fall is handing over the reins to winter. The weather is shifting, the last of the leaves are falling, the dark comes early, and we’re seeing glimpses of holiday lights and Christmas decorations. Some people bemoan the change from our crisp autumn days to the snowy flurries of winter. Some people embrace the onslaught of winter and all the outdoor adventures it offers. I love the way the city slowly changes at this time of year. There’s a certain quiet in the air, yet you can feel the anticipation of the holiday rush.

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