Whether you're pregnant, taking care of a new baby, or just busy with life and family, it's time to give yourself the gift of inner peace.
This instructor is going to shatter your preconceptions about the type of body you need to do yoga.
You know about the amazing benefits of yoga for yourself - but what about for families?
Yoga isn't just for stressed out adults.It has some surprising benefits for little ones too.
Five tips to help you ease back into yoga after birth.
Bonding with other women
This world is increasingly painful. It feels strangely unjust. There is a lot of confusion here now.
How to Host a Very Special, Confidence Boosting, Girls-Night-In Party
A simple and fun way to inspire confidence in girls and become a mindful mentor...and yes, cookies are involved.
Everyone I’ve ever known who did yoga, loved yoga. So why not?