Kelli Daisy: Scene and Heard


Mario Lopez Tries His Hand At Reality TV

He Should Have Stuck To A Script

I get sent a lot of screeners for different TV shows that are premiering but I rarely write about them because there’s not a lot of time in my life to start watching new shows. Basically, my theory is if I wouldn’t watch the show then I’m not going to waste your time by writing about it since I won’t be there to follow up on it. But recently I got a screener for a show called ‘Mario Lopez: Saved by the Baby’, and ridiculous title aside, I thought it was a show I would totally watch - at least once.

Mario Lopez started out as a child star on a show called Kids Incorporated – which I watched religiously. He then went on to star in Saved by the Bell, which I also watched religiously (although I was a Zach Morris over A.C. Slater fan) and now he hosts entertainment show Extra (I don’t watch religiously, but I do watch from time to time). And if you watch Nip/Tuck you would have seen him star as a very fit and very handsome plastic surgeon on that show (where he also got a little naked). Now as far as celebrity gossip goes, Mario also found himself in the thick of that when he very famously married long-time girlfriend Ali Landry in 2004 but had the marriage annulled two weeks later due to rumors of his infidelity. Rumours that only recently has Mario substantiated. So needless to say, screwing around on your fiancee at your bachelor party kinda tainted my view of him, which in turn made me pretty interested in his new show.

So the show follows Mario as he and his girlfriend, Courtney Mazza as they prepare for the birth of their unborn child. Think ‘Scott Baio is 46 and Pregnant’ but Mario isn’t as endearing as Scott, and Courtney is way more endearing than Scott’s then girlfriend Renee. I watched the first episode and I’m a bit torn as to whether I like it or not.

The main issue in the premiere episode is whether or not Mario and Courtney will find out the gender of their baby. Mario doesn’t want to and Courtney does which makes me side with Mario on this one. But he also makes it hard to be on his side because his ego keeps overshadowing everything else that is happening. Like telling the cameras that he calls Courtney by her last name, ‘Mazza’ because her first name wasn’t ‘exotic’ enough, and that he really hopes that if his baby is a girl that she won’t be left handed, because left handed girls just look odd. Um, seriously?!

So will I watch? Probably, because I find myself a little fascinated by Mario Lopez in general and as arrogant as he can come off in the first episode, we all know how having a baby can change everything! And those dimples – those dimples are a bit mesmerizing! But celebrity aside, it’s always interesting to see how 2 people adjust to becoming parents – because fact is, it’s the biggest adjustment you will ever make.

If you want to check out Mario Lopez: Saved by the Baby, tune in to Twist TV at 9 pm ET, 10pm pt and please, let me know what you think!

Scene and Heard
Confessions from a Pop Culture Mummy

