
Who Wants To Join My TV Club?

Let's Talk About All Things TV

Who Wants To Join My TV Club?

Who wants to join my TV club?! (please say this in your best ‘Rachel from Big Brother ‘who wants to see my HOH room?’ voice). OK, so we’ve been talking about it for a few weeks now, this whole TV club thing, and I think I have finally figured out a way to make it work. Because after all, there are book clubs and movie clubs and heck, even Party Mummy figured out a way to have a wine club, so why shouldn’t there be a TV club?

The logistics were what was giving me a hard time since there are so many shows on television and we all watch such a wide range of offerings.  Plus Eden Spodek told me that she was out if I picked a reality show so there went a good 50% of my viewing choices, so I had to come up with a plan.  And then I thought 'Why don’t we have a one hour ‘chat’ same time every week, where we can cover all of our favourite shows?' We can host it as a live chat right here on my blog, or we can host it on twitter with the hashtag #YMCTV.

Anyone can join the TV club and you can send in questions or topics to me before hand at [email protected] to discuss. It will be our very own one hour a week that we can talk about the shows we like, the shows we hate and those crazy plot twists that the writers throw at us. I’ll even bring a little gossip to the table.

All I need is for you to tell me that this is something you would like to participate in. I need to know if you would rather have a dedicated chat here on my blog or if you would like to use the hashtag approach on Twitter. I also need to know what day and time would work best for you. Obviously we won't all agree but I'll try to come up with a schedule that works and is flexible.  Would Wednesdays at 9pm est work for you?

So what do you think? Who wants to join my TV Club?! Leave me a comment below!

Scene and Heard
Confessions of a Pop Culture Mummy


Happy Birthday To Me

Here's To A Great Year

Happy Birthday To Me

Today is my birthday. My 39th birthday. Which means that my husband has exactly 365 days to plan a really kick ass 40th birthday party. But no pressure. Originally I thought that today would consist of me hosting Daytime Ottawa again, but we all know that didn’t happen, and I’m ok with that.

Yesterday, as my family and I went to a local apple orchard to go apple picking we drove past an old, beat up convertible that was for sale on the side of the road. I’m kind of like a child in that I have always wanted a convertible – don’t care the make or model or colour, I've just always wanted to have one. My husband commented that on my 40th birthday he would buy me a convertible, because he has a feeling that these next 365 days – the days that will make up my 40th year, will be full of only good things. After giving me the ‘awwww, I love you’ look, I have to say, I agree with him.

When I chose to stay home to raise my kids, almost 10 years ago, I would have never believed that I would be doing what I’m doing today. I have had the most amazing summer, met the best people, and did it all while watching my incredible kids grow. And I’m not ashamed to tell you I was a little taken aback when I found out I didn’t make the top 4 for the co-host position. Not because I think that the ladies who did weren’t worthy but because I thought I really was. Truth is, Rogers will be lucky to have any of those ladies as their co-host and whoever gets the job will be wonderful at it – I just wanted it to be me. And I’m ok telling you I wanted it to be me.

But it isn’t me, and I can’t help but think that’s because there is something bigger and better around the corner. Good things don’t come to people because they are lucky, good things come because you work hard. When I first met Erica Ehm I told her – I want my own show – and while that might have been a bit presumptive or cocky, I think even Erica would tell you, I work my butt off to make things happen. Nobody will hand you opportunities, it is up to you to make those opportunities happen.

So in this, the last year of my thirties, I pledge to make more opportunities happen. To continue to put myself out there and to learn and work hard and create opportunities. I am lucky to have such a talented and supportive group of women to watch and emulate while I do it, and I am proud to know that there are other women out there who are inspired by what I do. And I will never stop working hard.

So on this day, next year, I plan on being in Vegas starting my day the same way I will end it, surrounded by my husband, my friends, and of course, Champagne while reflecting on what an amazing year it has been. And maybe there will be convertible.

Scene and Heard
Confessions of a Pop Culture Mummy


The New Television Viewing Season Has Begun

What Made My List and What Didn't

The New Television Viewing Season Has Begun

OK so it’s upon us – the most exciting time of the television viewing watching season – it's premiere week! So while I have been busy as a bee doing this, I have also been fast and furiously setting my pvr’s to try and catch as many new shows as I possibly can.

So a few weeks ago I posted this handy dandy viewing schedule so I could co-ordinate my television viewing time. The only thing missing in there is Dexter that will be premiering this Sunday, September 25th at 9pm est (please watch this show – it is my fave!) I managed to catch a few of my faves as well as a few new shows too, but I have to say – I haven’t been blown away yet. Here’s my wrap up:

How I Met Your Mother, 2 Broke Girls, Two and a Half Men

Love HIMYM – love that they did a dance number to ‘Groove is in the Heart’ and love that Lily is pregnant. But I fear that next week once Gossip Girl starts I won’t be able to remain a loyal viewer. Chuck Bass has that effect on me. I did tune in to 2 Broke Girls and I was really pleasantly surprised. It was funny, smart and has surprisingly good acting. I think I will be back for this one. I had to watch Two and a Half Men just to see how they would handle the whole Charlie Sheen thing, and I actually liked it, and I liked Ashton Kutcher. Not sure if I liked it enough to be back, but a solid maybe.

The Playboy Club

OK, I had no idea this was even a show. Seriously, I heard no promotion for it at all, I just happened to come across it while channel surfing. I liked it enough, but not sure if I will even remember what day and time it was on.


Glee gets and exclamation mark because I love it so, and I think I love it more now that Jane Lynch did such a bang up job hosting The Emmy Awards. But I don’t like Sue Sylvester so much anymore and her role is getting to be a bit old for me. Actually I didn’t love the season premiere as a whole, but I did love many parts of it. I love that Darren Criss’ character of Blaine is now an official Gleek, I love that some fave characters will be graduating this year and I love the new character of Sugar. Best described as a cross between a Real Housewife and Fran Dresher, I have a feeling Sugar will be a treat to watch. So even though Sue’s shtick is getting old, I will definitely be back next week.

The New Girl, Raising Hope

I tuned in to The New Girl thinking it was some kind of spin off of Happy Endings only to realize that it wasn’t but that both shows star Damon Wayans Jr. I’m still confused. I liked it – will probably tune in next week. Raising Hope makes me laugh out loud every week and last night was no difference. The fact that Greyson Chance had a guest starring role made me like it more. Watch this show if you aren’t already.


I love me some Sarah Michelle Gellar and I really wanted to like this show, but I found myself flicking right past it last night. I watched the series premiere but it just didn’t make an impression on me. Hope I don’t regret that.


Um, my husband shakes his head at me every time I turn this show on all while reminding me that I am no longer in high school. Well, neither are the kids from West Beverly High. Sadly, the show that started out as lacklustre at best just got worse and couldn’t even keep me interested for the season premiere. All I know was one of those dumb kids proposed to another and thankfully she had enough sense to say no. I don’t like my young, rich and beautiful television children settling down.  I like them being rich, beautiful and carefree. Maybe that's why I like Gossip Girl so much. It is a pass for me.


For the first time in years I tuned in to the premiere of Survivor. Nice to see that nothing has changed. Although I did notice that my kids really liked watching it, so if for nothing else I might just watch because it’s something the whole family can enjoy. Also I would really like it if they could bring bathing suits.  Seriously, enough with the underwear.

So, that’s what I’ve liked so far. I can’t wait for the Emmy Award winning Modern Family to premiere tonight, as well as The Big Bang Theory on Thursday.

So tell me, what you have like so far and what can’t you wait for?

Scene and Heard
Confessions of a Pop Culture Mummy
