Kelli Daisy: Scene and Heard


Baby Its Cold Outside

Are You A Gleek?

It was a very Glee Christmas, and Baby, its cold outside!  Seriously, It’s  f#*king freezing in my house! But Baby, It’s Cold Outside – the duet between Kurt and Blaine was the absolutely best part of the entire show.

I love Glee, I really do.  And I’m a Glee apologist too – because I defend the show to absolutely everyone who ‘just doesn’t get Glee’.  But I was soooo looking forward to this ‘all Christmas Glee’ episode and instead I was left with a really crappy episode.

So it’s Christmas, and the kids want to embrace Christmas so they decorate a Charlie Brown Christmas tree all while singing the ‘Island of the Misfit Gifts’ song – because they’re misfits too – get it? Yeah, me neither.  In fact I still can’t understand how the captain of the football team, the head cheerleader and 2 of the hottest cheerleaders in school are considered ‘misfits’, but that’s another rant altogether.

So the kids are all excited for Christmas and Mr. Shue wants them to go carolling from classroom to classroom to help raise money for under privileged kids and the Glee kids don’t want to because they think they’ll be mocked.  Turns out they’re right, because the kids turn on them and a teacher even throws a shoe at them! Really?! Come on – we all know that would not happen!

So then we find out that Brittany still believes in Santa, which is actually quite believable because they’ve made her such a dim, but loveable character. But even cuter is that all of Glee club wants to preserve her belief.  Which is really totally cute and all the kids go to see Santa and sit on his lap but Brittany asks Santa to make Artie walk for Christmas which is basically impossible.

So the guys ask Coach Beiste for her help in pretending to be Santa and to tell Brittany that Artie walking just won’t happen, which results in a pretty weird scene where a teenager has a very weird conversation with a woman dressed in a Santa suit. Kinda odd.

And then we have Sue, who I normally love, but this week was just too much. Basically Sue played the Grinch and Brittany was Cindy Lou Who and Sue stole Christmas but then the Glee kids made her happy and she gave back Christmas and the Glee kids sang the song from The Grinch and Artie was able to walk thanks to a Transformer walking thing-y from Israel that Coach Beiste secretly bought. Yay!

So boring. Seriously – Rachel and Finn drama – boring.  Mr. Shue and Sue drama – boring. Even Mr. Shue and Ms Pillsbury – boring!!!  The one highlight – as very small as it was, was when Kurt and Blaine sang ‘Baby, its Cold Outside’.   It makes me sad that Kurt had to leave the Glee club so that we could actually hear him sing.  But this whole private school thing is getting old. 

I hate that I didn’t love it, because TV has been pretty terrible lately so I really look forward to my go to shows.  Did you watch Glee last night? Did you love it or were you just meh like me?

Scene and Heard

Confessions from a Pop Culture Mummy
