Erin Chawla: The Kiducation Learning Curve


I'm Telling on You: When To Be A Tattle-Tale Parent

When to step back...and when to intervene

Obviously school is a whole lot more than just academics and studious endeavoursit is also an ongoing major sociological experiment. Each school day offers a laboratory in which to study group interactions, as our kids navigate the ever-shifting playground dynamics.

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At Play With The School Play: The Show Must Go On!

No matter the school, school plays are more similar than they are different

As a teacher, I’ve moved schools a number of times and have been lucky enough to experience teaching in some vastly different communities. In a recent shift, I went from working at an inner city school serving one of the poorest areas of Toronto, to a school nestled in a wealthy little pocket surrounded by massive houses worth millions of dollars. The average family incomes in these two settings are at utterly opposite ends of the spectrum, and each community comes with their own unique strengths and needs.

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St. Valentine is Asking, “To Treat or Not to Treat?”

Let's foster friendships instead of sugary treats

Are you planning to send Valentine’s Day goodies into school? Traditions are important in families, in cultures, and in creating a sense of community. When holidays come around throughout the school year, students get excited about taking time away from the everyday academics and bringing some traditions into the classroom. Enter Valentine’s Day, with its chocolaty treats, candy hearts, and little paper cards adorned with trendy characters. The students have their Cupid arrows aimed at a Valentine extravaganza.

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10 (Plus 1) Tips To Help A Struggling Reader

Painful Parenting Problem Solved!

A parent recently contacted me, concerned because her child was having difficulty learning to read. It’s painful to see your child struggle when gaining a skill, and worrisome to know they are falling behind their peers. 

Don't worry, I'm here to help! Try these 10 (plus 1) tips to help your beginning reader catch on and catch up.

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Get an A+ in Understanding School Assessments: The Rubric

What is a rubric and why do teachers use it to assess students?


Seriously, what in the world is a rubric?

I’m not quite old enough to have been educated in a one-room schoolhouse, but I definitely attended school in a simpler time. I grew up receiving hand-written report cards, before computer technology was a required subject and before week-long standardized testing reduced kids to tears.

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Why I Became A Teacher

Education Is The Treatment

Hi Yummy Mummy Club readers! I am so excited to be part of this community. I have loads of posts rolling around in my head and soon streaming from my fingertips, but I thought for my first post I should start at the beginning and tell you how I ended up alongside a gaggle of students, guiding them through their elementary years.

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