Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


The Recipes...OMG The Recipes

I'm Set For Life

Since Ali has become Editor-In-Chief I've had a lot of people ask me what I now do. The short answer is, as Senior Writer (although I also really like Senor Writer) at YMC, I write. I could try to explain it to you but the best way to *really* explain it is for you to go to that little search box in the top right hand corner and type in "roast beef" and hit go.  See the first box that pops up?  The one with the title "Perfect Oven Roast Beef"? And the little description underneath? I wrote that (utilizing the brilliant phrase Roast Like A Master from Gav Martell). But the other part about the loins? That was all me. I wrote it and then I laughed and laughed and laughed. 

Do the same thing again with champagne. Bubbly? Troubly? That was me.

Welcome to my job.

While I LOVE LOVE LOVE the writing what I also love is that I get to see EVERY SINGLE RECIPE BEFORE IT'S PUBLISHED.

I take full advantage of it. I'm a lazy cook and like things that are simple. Breakfast for dinner is a staple at our house because it's easy and my kids think I'm super cool.  But since I've had access to recipes before they've gone live, I've made these ribs (the boys loved them and I'm making them again for Chinese New Year) and cooked a batch of this homemade pizza sauce which we've now used for our Friday night pizza night for two Fridays in a row. See that big picture at the top of this blog? That's the pizza I made for me with the sauce, prosciutto and freshly grated parm, then I baked it and added arugula and a balsamic glaze. Oh ya...I am fancy, huh

I want to make this next—it's kind of a go big or go home recipe but holy hannah I bet it's delish. 

Anyway, this whole food thing got me thinking about how cool it would be for someone who loves food to start going through all our recipes and just start making them and then writing about it. Like that Meryl Streep movie (Her acting is seriously amazing. I so want to go see Iron Lady). Of course, if you decide to do it, I'd like to be invited. I'm a good guest—I bring wine and help clean up.  Plus the nice people at Monsieur Felix and Mr. Norton cookies sent me a whole bunch of their bake yourself cookie dough. And while I've had a LOT of cookies over the past month and a half, I haven't had ALL of the cookies *wink wink, nudge nudge* meaning you could also be eating warm cookies fresh from the oven after the fantabulous meal you make me.  

I mean us. 

I'm hungry.

Anyone? Bueller?  Bueller?