Maureen Turner: We Are Family


The VW Freedriving Tour

How We Spent Our Kid Free Day

Last Sunday, on a very rare occasion, Tom and I went into Toronto by ourselves... let me say that again, Tom and I went somewhere BY. OUR. SELVES... like without kids... just the 2 of us. I can’t even remember the last time we went anywhere without at least 1 kid in tow.

What did we do with our “date”? We drove cars... FAST!

I am a thrill seeker. I love roller coasters and any other amusement park rides that might make your heart jump. I like motorcycles, dirt bikes, ATVs, you name it... if it goes fast, I’m into it.

So, when I got an email asking if we wanted to take part in the VW Freedriving Tour, I said “HELL YA!”

Tom has always loved the VW GTI, so I booked him to test drive that while I was going to test drive the VW Tiguan. When we got there, it turned out that we could each try both cars.

The VW Freedriving Tour is not just a test drive though, it’s a driving course, and each car has a driving coach in the passenger seat to teach you the tricks of the road.

To show how serious I was about learning my driving skills, I changed into my non-sparkley, very serious driving shoes.

Then we tried out the VW driving game on the ipad... note how serious I am even while just pretending to drive. If the iPad game was any indication of how I would perform on the actual course, all the driving coaches would have ran screaming from their vehicles.... thankfully, I control the car way better than I do an iPad.

And, of course, Tom was awesome on the iPad.

Okay, serious student heading to the driving course now, got my driving shoes on, I’ve done a warm up on the video game, I’ve got a driving instructor. This is going to be very serious... or seriously fun!

Wanna see what I learned? Here is a video of my turn in the VW GTI... watching it back, I learned that I bite my lip when I concentrate, and I giggle when I’m nervous.

And in this video of Tom driving the GTI, I learned that I am not a very good passenger, and that Tom looks way more calm than I do when he’s driving.

After our test drive, Kristi (our awesome contact for the day) told me to come pick up a little gift... I was certain it was going to be the new VW Beetle that was on display at the event. It wasn’t, so I guess I’ll just have to convince Tom that I need to buy one! It is so very cool.

As you can imagine, when Tom and I are child free and we get time to do something together, we don’t want to waste our time, and I am happy to say that the VW Freedriving Tour was anything but a waste of time.

We both had an amazing time, we got to drive fast, in a cool car, and everyone at the event made us feel like super stars. The event staff were absolutely amazing, and it’s that kind of customer service that makes me want to go out and buy a product. Good job VW.

For the record, this blog is not sponsored. VW did not pay me to say all of this; I just really enjoyed myself and wanted to share my experience with you.
