Mummy Buzz


TD Bank Making it Better for LGBT Youth

Become an Ally

To mark the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, TD employees are speaking out about their first-hand experiences in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Following the much-publicized suicides of Jamie Hubley and others like him, this candid video further opens the dialogue on bullying and teen suicide as it affects LGBT youth. 

Some of the videos sad, startling stats:

  • LGBT teens hear an average of 26 anti-gay slurs every day
  • 64 per cent of LGBT youth feel unsafe at school
  • LGBT teens are four times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexuals

TD Bank Group employees bravely share their experiences in the hope of "making it better now," instead of waiting for it to get better as per recent anti-bullying campaigns. Crucial, say the employees, is the role of 'allies'—be it family, friends, the workplace, or community—for support. 

"It is hard to be different in an environment that doesn't celebrate your difference," says TD's President and CEO, Ed Clark. "The issue isn't you...The issue is a group of people who are trapped in historical prejudice and anger which has no place in a modern society."

Clark stresses the role we all have to play in supporting LGBT youth. 

What are you waiting for? Watch it. Share it. Live it.