
Blackhead Removal: Simple, Affordable, Effective!

by: allia s

Since becoming a Mommy I have given up my monthly ritual of having a spa day with my closest girlfriends to have a facial and a manicure. I just can’t make the time, or afford the extra expenses.

I have been creating concoctions in my kitchen to help compensate for my former beauty rituals. While the kids have their afternoon nap, I sneak into the kitchen to see what I can whip up to help me feel renewed and restored. This new fascination of mine has turned into an obsession!

Here is a very affordable tip for removing those stubborn blackheads that have accumulated from one too many nights of ignoring my skincare routine:

  1. Take one teaspoon of unflavoured gelatin (Knox brand is my fave) and mix it with . . .
  2. One teaspoon of milk (any type1%, 2%, whatever you have in your kitchen)
  3. Mix up the equal parts of the gelatin and milk in a small glass bowl and . . .
  4. Microwave for 10 seconds
  5. Remove bowl from microwave and stir (it will become a paste)
  6. Apply on areas of concern only (usually my blackheads are on my chin and nose)
  7. Let dry (usually 15 minutes, depending on how thick the layer is)
  8. PEEL gently
  9. Look and see what came out of your skin (don’t be too grossed out)

I have been doing this once every two weeksjust to keep my pores clear and my skin looking fresh without those little black dots (BLACKHEADS) visible through my tinted moisturizer. Not only is this recipe affordable (a few cents for every application), but it is also effective!

I no longer miss those spa dates with my girlfriends, because I have them over for some at-home treatments, and they love it! We save so much money and we still feel wonderful knowing we have taken time out for ourselves for self-care.

I love cooking, camping and a good book!

I'm a Yummy Mummy with lots of tips and tricks to share!