I hate when my laundry piles up. And piles up. And piles up some more.
I hate it so much that I have devised a 4 step plan of attack to make sure I never, ever, ever have to face it again. Breaking it down into 4 steps makes it manageable and less arduous.
It's not revolunionary, but it works.
Step One: When the kids go to bed, throw a load of laundry in the wash. (2 minutes)
Step Two: When you go up to bed yourself, throw the clothes in the dryer. (1 minute)
Step Three: Fold the clothes in the morning as you sip your coffee or wait for your kids to please just finish your breakfast for the love of god. (3 minutes, 5 if you're slow)
Step Four: Put the clothes away when you get home from work/school pick-up. (5 minutes)
Breaking it down into individual tasks makes laundry seem much less painful and, dare I say, fun. Okay, fine, never fun. Totally lying on that one.
Laundry: The Bane of My Existence