Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Valentine's Day Gift For Children: Part Two

Utilizing Your Strengths

My mom was a sewer—she could sew anything. She once made my sister a Pink Panther Halloween costume that I COVETED. I couldn't wait for my sister to outgrow it and the year I finally got to wear it was my happiest Halloween ever. 

From the faux brick wall and the handmade ceramic dog to the Grease album and needlepoint pictures, there is NOTHING that is not awesome about this picture. The '70s rocked.

This sewing gene skipped right over me which makes it beyond ironic that I'm now helping Son No. 1 sew pajamas for homeless kids given my inability to, you know, SEW.  The point is, I understand my weaknesses. That's why this next little Valentine's Day gift project is so great.  NO SEWING.

Since Son No. 1 has a penchant for wearing ties I bought him a white tie. Son No. 2 got a toque from The Boathouse because apparently he's going to be a skateboarder and needs to dress the part godhelpme.

I found little satin hearts with sticky backs at the dollar store. I simply removed the sticky backs, dabbed on a bit of fabric glue, waited the 48 hours for it to dry and voila!  The perfect Valentine's Day gift personalized for my munchkins. 

This is where I hold my fist up in the air and shout NON-SEWERS UNITE!

You're welcome.

p.s. Here's another no-sew Valentine's Day gift you can make for your kids.