
I Hate The Cold

Which Is Why This Is So Ironic

I spent a large portion of my life in Winnipeg - from the time I was in elementary school until I was an adult.  When I was a kid, the cold winters didn't bother me. There's something about being a kid that deflects any feelings of cold. We would spend hours outside building snow forts, making snow angels, skating and sledding. Our cheeks would remain pink for hours after we returned to our warm house.

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Slow Cooker Chili

Throw In The Ingredients and Go

I try to plan meals.  Not always successfully but for the most part we have a flow to our week that makes mealtime making easier. 

Monday I went grocery shopping with the boys after school. Not the best of scenarios because they're both tired and grumpy but sometimes a girl's just gotta do what a girl's gotta do.  List in hand, I was prepared to go all Jersey Shore cast member having a one night stand and get in and out as quickly as possible. There would be no deviating from the list this week. 

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When Little Boys Get Blisters

These Things Are Never As Simple As They Seem

Son No. 2 got a blister and god forbid it's as simple as putting on a band-aid and being done with it.  Also, my patience only lasts so long.

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It's Okay To Say No

Seriously. The World Won't Blow Up Or Anything

While at Blissdom Canada last week I had an 'aha' moment. It didn't come from a session or a panel or a key note speaker, it came from a dinner date.

I don't sleep well in hotels. It's a curse.  I get a night or two to myself in a big bed with fluffy pillows and a heavy, warm duvet and I'm up looking at the clock every hour.

1:31 a.m.
2:19 a.m.
3:42 a.m.

It sucks.

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Blissdom Canada

Looking At Our Online and Offline Community

I was going to write about all these lessons I learned from Blissdom Canada.  How attending a panel on monetizing your blog made me realize I don't want to monetize Speed Skating Mom.  How inspired I was by people I admire. 

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You there.  Yes, you.  The one reading this.

You’re juggling right now, aren’t you?  Not in a circus-like way with balls or flaming batons but real life juggling -  your family, your friends....maybe work too.   You’re trying to keep on top of the laundry while helping your kids with homework.  You’re changing a diaper while on hold with the doctor’s office.  You’re cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring. 


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The Bean Bag Chair

This Chair Is Da Boss

We moved into the house we're currently living in 3 1/2 years ago.  While I love it, the one thing that bums me out is that our basement isn't finished. We had finished the basement in our old semi-detached and having that extra room where the boys could hang out and play was beyond fantastic.  Not to mention it kept the mess on the other floors of our house to a minimum.

Relatively speaking, of course.

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Hi All!  Here it is - if you signed up (and even if you didn't) it's the Blissdom cheat sheet.  And yes, there's a possibility that you're listed as someone another attendee wants to meet.  So check it out!  Yowza! 

You can download it here.

Also, I only added your comment in the "Who Y'all Want To Meet" if you listed a specific person.  Otherwise your printer would hate me. 

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Post Partum Depression

Fighting For The Light

Ten years ago, shell shocked, exhausted and swollen, I left the hospital, toting a newborn in a car seat. The car seat we spent hours installing, then had checked at the local police station to ensure we had done it properly. My entire pregnancy had been dedicated to eating the right foods and reading the right books. Every step of the way I knew how big my baby was, what was developing each week and that pregnancy was, in fact, ten months and not nine.

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Blissdom Canada

Getting To Know You

The Blissdom Canada conference is quickly approaching and I'm not gonna lie....I'm all Gahhhhhhh because I'm socially awkward and never remember anyone's names.  It also doesn't help when someone uses a logo for their avatar because I'm a visual person and seeing a face helps me remember a the logo thing throws me for a loop.  I'm pretty it's some sort of twitter avatar learning disability.  

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