Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Blissdom Canada

Looking At Our Online and Offline Community

I was going to write about all these lessons I learned from Blissdom Canada.  How attending a panel on monetizing your blog made me realize I don't want to monetize Speed Skating Mom.  How inspired I was by people I admire. 

But then I had my book club last night.  It was small, only three people showed up.  The rainy, windy weather wasn't condusive to going out.  If book club wasn't being held at my house, I wouldn't have come either. These are my in-real-life friends.  They are the women who helped me through post partum depression and who give me real hugs, not virtual ones.  Although I appreciate both.

And they have no idea what twitter is or that a conference like Blissdom Canada even existed. 

Because of my job, I live in an online world and I sometimes forget that there are women who don't. I forget that there are moms who use facebook to keep in touch with family and not as a platform to showcase their talents or business, or who simply pick up a phone when they want to chat instead of hopping on twitter to say hello. They don't write blogs, they don't sit in front of a computer screen all day, and when I tell them about Blissdom Canada, they have to ask what it is. We talk so much about our online community while our offline readers are rarely mentioned.

I need to stop forgetting.

Because you are the moms who are taking time from your busy day to come read my words.  

And that is a privilege I should never take for granted.
