When Did It Become So Hard To Say Hello?

Be A Good Neighbour

Parents of young children are constantly reminded about the importance of teaching their children social skills. As a parent of a somewhat shy child, I have been told to make it a point to always say hello to neighbours while walking through the neighbourhood, and to chat with cashiers at the grocery store, as an example that it is okay to talk with people you may not otherwise know. I do this anywayI always havebut I have noticed a lot of people don’t. Countless times, I have walked through my neighbourhood and have had my, “Hello!” returned by silence and a look the other way or down at the road. Is it so hard to say hello to your neighbour?

Surprisingly, this even happens at neighbourhood parks, in situations in which the children have no problems talking to one another, but the parents don’t even want to smile in the other parents’ direction. I understand we are a more guarded society, and that now, more than ever before, one’s privacy and safety is a concern. But what is the harm in smiling and greeting your neighbours? On a recent trip to the southern United States, I was pleasantly surprised by how many people greeted my family with a simple head nod, smile, or hello, while walking through the streets. I’m not implying Canadians have become rude, just that we may be forgetting life’s simple niceties, such as a simple hello to people in your community, while walking down the street.

I would like to hope that by being friendly to my neighbours, I am teaching my daughter to be polite and friendly. I grew up with parents who were always polite to others, and with a grandfather who still jokes with cashiers as if they are members of his family. The one thing I took from these experiences was that more often than not, a simple hello results in seeing someone smile. It’s these simple things that help build a community and make children, who are observing everything adults do, understand why it is important to be nice. After all, who doesn’t like to see someone smile?

So, the next time you are walking down the street or taking your children to the park, take a moment and say hello to your fellow neighbour. You may find yourself with a new friend, or at the very least make someone smile. It’s life’s simple things that matter. In this case, one hello at a time!

Entrepreneur, owner and virtual assistant at VirtualOfficeResources.ca, Tracy is also a freelance writer and blogger.

In her spare time she can be found outdoors with her husband, five year old daughter and energetic Australian Shepherd dog. In the evenings she likes to curl up under a blanket and read her favourite novel with a cup of coffee or glass of wine in hand.