Put down your cellphone at the table | YummyMummyClub.ca
88 per cent of people think it's not cool to use your phone at dinner.
Airline Passengers Tweet Discretions | YummyMummyClub.ca
Has flying become just a fancy new version of purgatory?
Every child has an off day and forgets his or her manners, but here are signs that indicate that your child needs a more serious manners tune-up.
How The Gentlemen Project hopes to change a generation
How The Gentlemen Project hopes to change a generation.
If you say you don't judge other parents, I say it's likely you're the most judgyy of them all!
should i call you mrs
So many questions! Do you let your children call adults by their first name? Is it being disrespectful if they do? And what do you prefer to be called?
An Italian restaurant gave the King family a discount because the children were well-behaved. Spill it! Would your family have gotten the same discount?
Pay tribute to your dearly departed. But not like this.