Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Kids Cutting Their Own Hair

Mom Fail No. 257

Winter is here so for the next few months the kids trudge through the snow, to and from school bundled from head to toe.  Boots, snow pants, jackets, mitts and facemasks – they’re barely recognizable.  It’s good form to take a peek beneath the mask when you pick them up to ensure you have the right kid.  If you’ve accidentally grabbed the wrong one, it’s hard to understand a scarf muffled voice.

Thursday I picked up the kids from school and as we were walking home talking about the day, I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at the hairs peeking out from under Son No. 1’s face mask.

“Dude.....did you cut your hair today at school?” I asked.

“Ya......why?” he replied.

I burst into laughter as I stared at the short choppy pieces escaping the mask - there was a shy smile on his face mixed with a look of relief.  He wasn't in trouble. We continued to walk the rest of the way home, me casting surreptitious glances over at the hairs every once in awhile, him smiling back.

We got home and the mask was pulled off to reveal his new “do”.  The laughter erupted from my mouth before I could even stop it, tears streaming down my face, gasping for breath.

I managed to squeak out “Buddy....why did you cut your hair?” between my guffaws of laughter.

"Well...." he replied.  "We were watching movies this afternoon and it just felt soft of......long.  So I thought I’d cut it." 

I brought him to the kitchen where I attempted to clean it up until we could get him to the hairdresser, bursting into giggles whenever I looked at his bangs.  As I wrapped a tea towel around his neck and started cutting he said to me....

The thing is mom, you told me last week you’d take me for a haircut because I don’t like it long.

The smile dropped from my face, the laughter stopped dead in its tracks.  I was left feeling more than a little shameful.

I had promised to take him and once again his needs had gotten lost in the shuffle.  Other things took precidence - the errands, the speed skating meet, my work, making dinner....and to be honest, the one day when I had made time for the haircut, Son No. 2 was in an unbearably awful tantrumy mood, so I decided to just stay home instead.

So, Son No. 1, in a dark classroom while watching a movie, decided to take it upon himself to give himself a haircut befitting his suits.

It was a Mom Fail at its finest.  Or more accurately, worst.

I would never forget to arrange a hair appointment for myself.  And yet, I put it off for him without even thinking about how he would feel.  I got caught up in day to day “things” and put his needs aside.

I’m writing this not to berate myself but as a reminder that even if it doesn’t seem important me, even if it’s something that would go on the bottom of my to-do list, it may be on the top of theirs.

I’m bringing him for a proper haircut today.
