Three Steps to Perfect Eyebrows

Enjoy Beautifully Defined Eyes with These Easy Steps

We all know how important it is to have well-groomed brows, but please – back away from the tweezers. Before you start, take a moment to really visualize your end result.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you along the way.  Remember – brows don’t always grow back!

 Identify where your brow should begin, the arch, and the end

Hold a pencil vertically up against the outer edge of your nostril. That’s where your brow should begin.

Still holding the pencil against the outer edge of your nostril, tilt the pencil so that it grazes the outer edge of your pupil – that’s where the arch should be. (Keep in mind, the arch is not one sharp point – there is a gradual curve to it.)

Keeping the pencil against your nostril, tilt it a little further, so that it grazes the outer corner of your eye. This is where your brow should end. (Too short brows can make a person look aged – too long, and it just looks weird.)


Mark It

Once you have discovered where your brow will start, arch and end, mark it. Using a white pencil, trace over the areas that you will be removing. Once the white pencil is on, you can easily see if your brows will look right after you’re done.


Shape It

You may prefer to tweeze, thread, or wax. This part is up to you. If you tweeze – make sure you have a great tweezer. I like to use a slanted Tweezerman tweezer. Don’t forget to trim! If you have long brow hairs, they might look messy even after you’ve plucked. I use a mascara wand to brush my brows upwards. Using small scissors, trim the longer hairs, cutting horizontally. Make sure not to cut too close to your actual brow. If you cut too short, you will have gaps in your brow when you brush the hairs back into place. (I use a disposable mascara wand to brush up my brows b/c I have them in my kit. Next time you’re sampling mascaras at Sephora, you might want to grab a disposable wand.)

Finally, fill in gaps or sparse areas with a brow pencil or powder. (Use soft, gentle strokes – no hard lines!)

Note: I’m not saying that everyone needs to have the exact same eyebrows. Every brow is different. Follow basic eyebrow grooming techniques while respecting the natural tendencies of your brows. If your brows are thick, don’t pluck the life out of them. If they tend to tilt downwards, don’t draw in an exaggerated arch. Your brows suit your face, just clean them up a bit.

Mehwish Khan is the founder of The Untrendy Girl, a blog devoted to inspiring girls and women to look good, feel good and accomplish great things. She is a writer, makeup artist, wife and mom.