Mummy Buzz


Baby's Priceless Reaction To Father's Twin

Who's The Daddy?

twin fathers

Who are you and why are you wearing my father's face? That's what this little tot may well be thinking. The confusion and mistrust is palpable in her expression when, already in her father's arms, she lays eyes on his twin brother for the very first time. 

According to an article in TIME, that magic, double take moment was captured on camera, and has gone viral in a heartbeat. 

My best friend in junior high was an identical twin. People struggled to tell her apart from her sister all the time, but for some reason I never did. Maybe it had to do with their personalities being so distinct, then and now. 

Calling all twins out there: Do you like to play around with identity mixups, or is it strictly annoying to be mistaken for your other half?

This story is testament to just how eerily strong the twin connection can be, even into adulthood.