
Magnum Martini

A Chocolate Drink That's Sure To Delight

Magnum Martini

There are two things you can count on in life. No, not death and taxes. That’s just depressing.

I’m talking chocolate and booze. And ice cream. And girlfriends who are there when you need them. Ok I cheated. That’s four. But four really sweet things right?

Recently I helped a friend “celebrate” her recent separation. I had just been to a tasting of the new-to-Canada Magnum Ice Cream bars and heard about some yummy ways to use them in a cocktail. I figured this perfect marriage of chocolate and booze was ideal for our “Less than perfect marriage” girls’ night in.

Here’s how to make a spoil yourself rotten because you’re fabulous and he’s a stinkin’ jerk who’s losing his hair and was never good enough for you in the first place, libation.

P.S. He drives a big fancy car for a reason…

The Magnum Martini
(A variation of the Magnum Temptini which originated at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel). 

Cut off the top half of a Classic Magnum bar. Reserve a few chocolate shards to use a garnish. Blend ice-cream with 1 oz. Baileys or your favourite Irish Cream, 1 oz. vanilla vodka and five ice cubes until smooth.

Place the remainder of the ice cream in the middle of a martini glass with the stick facing up.

Pour the blended mixture around it, garnish with extra chocolate pieces and serve immediately.

Experiment with other liquors like crème de cacao, crème de menthe, Tia Maria or Kahlua. I used a Classic Magnum bar, but other flavours would be delish too. Double caramel? Double chocolate? What’s your pleasure? As the Baron Von Magnum used to say, “The pleasure is yours for the taking.” So take it. Multiple times.

Visit the Magnum Facebook fan page to choose your favourite and while you’re there, enter this amazing contest. YOU could be the new Magnum Heir and claim $250,000 in cash and decadent prizes. Wouldn’t flaunting your new found wealth and title be the sweetest revenge?


This blog is proudly sponsored Magnum Ice Cream Bars




Party Mummy Blogiversary

Looking Back on What I've Learned

Party Mummy Blogiversary

Exactly two years ago to the day, my first Party Mummy post was published. It was clearly a momentous event, as fireworks exploded across North America (mostly in that southern bit) presumably to celebrate the occasion.

I love writing and living this blog. I’ve gained a lot doing the research for each post. And I’m not just talkin’ weight. I’ve learned about the technical aspects of event planning, wine making, food styling and so much more. I’ve also discovered more about myself. Specifically, that I love to write, share and create. If you’ve read any posts about my personal life, you'll understand how challenging these past few years has been for our family. Giving up my career was a toughy. But, having this blog and the amazing yummy creative community that came along with it has saved me. I am so grateful.

Thank you Erica for taking a chance on me and for being a mentor and a friend. Thanks to my amazing editor Sharon and to the entire YMC crew for their support, humour and friendship.

My virgin blog post below, ended with a comment about my daughter's love of being the “chip passer outer” at our parties. Last week as I poured chips into a bowl for a family BBQ she asked, “Having a party mummy?” Yes, my sweet. We are having a party. The chip bowl tipped her off. And guess who happily passed it around when the guests arrived?

Where it all started: Party Mummy’s First Blog Post July 4th, 2009

Are You A Party Mummy? Do you love a good party, but shy away from planning one of your own because the effort and expense seems overwhelming?  Stick with me fellow merrymakers and we’ll explore the DOs and DON’Ts of planning a fabulous party, without breaking the bank.  And, by “the bank” I may or may not be referring to breaking into my son’s piggy bank for cash to tip my hair stylist.  What?  As if you haven’t done that.

I used to be a Party Girl.  I threw all sorts of parties.  Big ones, small ones, even ones the local police attended.  Who invited them anyway?  Oh yes, the neighbours.  Then I became a mom and grew into a more sophisticated hostess (unless of course you count the time with the tequila shots and the hot tub.  Not very sophisticated, but that’s a story for another time).  Yes, an organized and refined hostess.   I had become a Party Mummy.  After our second child was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder, the parties stopped.  There was no reason to celebrate. 
In time our family pulled through, and slowly my husband and I rejoined our social circle. 

However, leaving the house for an evening proved difficult.  Though we rely on grandparents occasionally, I’m too nervous to leave my little girl in the hands of teenage strangers.  Our solution?   We host get-togethers at our house – adult company with no muss, no fuss, no driving and no sitters.

Since I left my job to stay home with our daughter, we’re now a one income family.  I wonder, in uncertain financial times like these, and I know we’re not alone here, should “frivolous” social events be put on hold?  I say hell no, but hosting a shindig can be expensive.   The “Kris Kringle Mingle” I threw one year is a perfect example.  “What can I bring?” the guests kindly asked. “Absolutely nothing.  Just bring your festive spirit!” I answered merrily.  By the time I bought the alcohol for the Frosty martinis, the sparkly stir sticks, the silver napkins and matching candles, fresh boughs for the table and of course the food, the carol, “Oh Holy Night” that I had been humming in the grocery store, was replaced by a more sombre rendition called, “Oh Holy Crap.”

Whether it’s a big blow out or a small intimate dinner, you can plan an impressive gathering without having to pawn your wedding ring. If I can do it, you can too!  If you own a cocktail shaker and you can shake it like you mean it, you’re a Party Mummy.  If you enjoy making lists in any way, shape or form, you’re a Party Mummy. And more importantly, if you love connecting with friends and have the desire to bring people together, you’re a Party Mummy.  It’s not what you serve, how fancy your dishes are or even which theme you choose (though, as a former elementary school teacher, a good theme gives me a rush).  What people will remember is the time spent with you.  Put in your best effort and make your guests feel welcome and they will love you for it. 

This blog is about sharing the party DO’s I’ve stumbled upon and the DON’Ts I’ve stumbled over.  For example, DO make an effort to add special signature touches to your event, but do NOT get so absorbed in folding napkins into lotus flowers that you leave your shower to the last possible minute and must greet your first guest in a bathrobe.  At least I put a robe on.  Hmmm, a nudist theme?  Now there’s one I haven’t explored.  Eww, but I hadn’t considered shaking cocktails in the buff.  Blech.  Never mind. 

*Our daughter is doing well and she too enjoys a good party.  When the doorbell rings at our house and the guests begin to arrive, she’s armed and ready to start passing around the chip bowl.  Yup, this child is of mine is a Party Mummy in the making. 
