
Can My Marriage Handle It?

Fertility Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...

Someone please tell me why you can get nitrous oxide for something as simple as getting your teeth cleaned, but removing a chunk or two of flesh from my endometrium doesn’t warrant so much as a Tylenol. Seriously?

I had 2 biopsies almost 10 days ago and I’m still involuntarily crossing my legs when I see anything that vaguely reminds me of a speculum. Shudder.

I’m cranky.

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Halfback, Quarterback, Sexy back.


This is my last lesson to you, Grasshopper. It's a 2-prong attack and it's all about your heart and junk. (No, actually your junk. You'll see.)

1. How to Keep a Heart-On

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When in Doubt, Bench Your Favourite Player

“Sleep. Please. Let me sleep.”

“I don’t want to clean. For once.”

“A little me-time. Other than grocery shopping.”

There you have it. It’s the trifecta of Top Mom Wishes. These are gifts more in demand than an iPad2 or Jimmy Choos. And all fingers point to REST.

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Okay Dads, this is it.

Your Valentine’s Day Playbook. I’ve split it into 3 Lessons so you don’t have to take in too much at one time. Read it. Breathe it. Live it.

‘Hut hut hut!’

Lesson 1: Cover All Bases

If you’re going to book a weekend away, don’t just pick a date and reserve the hotel—make sure you take care of childcare arrangements too. Same goes for dinner reservations, or any other activity where you’re going to be away from the kidlets for more than a few hours.

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Gulp. Back to the Fertility Specialist.

29 Vials of Blood On the Wall

It was the day I had been dreading for months.

I was finally at the office of the new fertility specialist.

I thought I was going to throw up. Instead, I busied myself with conducting a design critique of the waiting room. Just a thought, but maybe lime green and sky blue in every variation of stripe and polk-a-dot is a bit too much. Just a bit. Ok, breathe Kat, just breathe.

Have you seen the movie ‘Say Anything’? You know at the end when they’re sitting there on the airplane waiting for the ding? That’s what I was like.

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