Your toddler is a mini-revolutionary who likes to say NO, fling food, and do everything you ask him/her not to. So how do you know if she's stressed?
Sometimes the craziness of life makes it hard to remember everything that I want to teach my daughter. So I made a list of 50 of them.
The best thing you can do is stop running away from your own life. Even if it really, really, sucks while you figure things out. Here's my story.
We have less than 4 hours to shoot 2 scenes on location at Running Room. Throw in 1200 racers, a 50 person running group, and bad weather. Camera's rolling!
After 6 days in Vancouver it's time for Baby Girl to head back to the T-dot, and this Film Set Mummy is feeling the drama.
Your saccharine wedding anniversary status makes me want to vomit, send you job listings, and unfriend you. Or something.
When things are going well for people, especially in their pregnancies — and their marriages— I tend to stay away. Even if that makes me a bad friend.
Want to get yourself out of a rut? First you have to call yourself on it.