Step away from the flannel. We get to the bottom (and lacy tops) of where to buy lingerie from the comfort of your home.
by: Zeba Khan
Victoria's Secret
Does underwear really change so much year to year that we should all tune in to an hour-long undie extravaganza in which models sport angel wings?
I am not exaggerating when I say: life-changing.
Forever Yours in Vancouver features plus size model Elly Mayday in their advertisements both before and during her treatment for of ovarian cancer.
We’ve all heard the horrific rape stories coming out of India. Now the country has come up with an innovative solution to help protect its women: Lingerie
Victoria's Secret is boosting its bottom line by covering the bottoms of young tweens in lacy thongs.
How do you feel about lingerie? Does it make you feel more attractive and womanly? Or is it simply compulsory femininity?
Is posing in your underwear a feminist statement?