Toilet Training Twins

Right off the top, I want to say my wife never gives herself enough credit for the work she does as a stay at home mom.
While some professionals design buildings or try to cure diseases, I doubt anyone can match my wife’s achievement of successfully potty training my twin boys together and at the same time in just under one week!
Admittedly the process was a struggle for us.  They were almost 3-1/2 and it was getting to the point where we were ashamed to admit that the boys were still happily laying bricks in their pull ups with total indifference.  We knew something had to be done but my ability to help was limited by the fact that I was often not home.  However, my wife suddenly had what I can only describe to you as a defining moment in her career as a Pre-school Bio-solid Diversionary Engineer.  It was as if she had an epiphany – one where the intro to “Eye of the Tiger” looped repeatedly in her head and she drew her own Maginaux Line on the floor between the toilet and the closet where the pull ups were kept.  Yes, it was finally time for the boys to saddle up to the seat cushion!
To be able to accomplish such a feat, you truthfully have to put your life on hold.  One can never be expected to rest when there are a couple of 3 year olds running around with their little high-pressure hoses fully exposed and ready to fire.  She mentioned to me how she resonated with Bill Murray’s character from the movie Groundhog Day since she seemed to never be able to move forward with her day.  Yet remarkably the milestones happened at an incredible rate and I’d receive constant updates on my voice mail about someone doing a number one or two.  After only one week, the boys seemed to suddenly loathe pull-ups and while my wife reported to me that she had a stiff neck and a bum-knee, she had achieved what only weeks earlier seemed like a dream.
In looking back I found it amazing to see how she fought her own demons of self-doubt and became more of a parent than she thought possible.  I still get emotional to this day when we walked past the diaper aisle without even stopping.  My wife is my Super-hero and if I can just get her to not fear our hi-tech coffee maker, I’m likely to build a Shrine in her honor!



Eric Novak is a father of 4 who also thinks that environmental stewardship is a requisite of parenting. He's not a professional Dad nor is he an environmental scientist, but he's someone who gives a damn and is trying to make the right decisions as he lives his life as a father, environmentalist and business owner. Eric and his wife Karen have 4 children and reside in Ajax, Ontario.