Mummy Buzz


Tot Knows Her Styracosaurus From Her Triceratops

Stellasaurus Shines

Remember Ross from Friends? (Always found him annoying, but I digress.) Well, this pint-sized paleontologist would give the sitcom character a run for his money.

Four-year-old Stella Hatton's scathing critique of a plastic triceratops at the Canadian Museum of Nature shop is guaranteed to make you smile. Forget Barbie and Bratz. This girl knows her dinos, and won't suffer fools who mistake their horns.

As evidenced in the YouTube video, filmed by her dad, Peter Laporte.

She allegedly wanted the styracosaurus, but all the boxes were labelled “triceratops.” As soon as her father handed her the box, Stella was quick to point out its many design flaws:

"The horn on the nose is too big; the horns over the eyes have been reduced to small bumps, and the frill — the big, bony plate behind the head — is a mess too. Only the beak (mouth area) is right."

Stella insisted the whole thing still looked like a styracosaurus.

After the video got noticed, staff at the Museum of Nature sent Stella an anatomically correct triceratops model, together with some dinosaur books and trading cards.

Stella's mother, Sarah Hatton, admits that her daughter's obsession started six months ago. Even though she can’t read them, Stella somehow can identify dinosaurs by skull type.

“The biggest problem I have now is that she has kind of picked every dinosaur model there is in the stores, but she’s interested in these really obscure ones,” Sarah said.

“She comes to me with sad eyes and says ‘Mummy I don’t have a hesperornis!’”

Ross has nothing on you, girl!
