Mummy Buzz


On-Demand Feeding Makes Baby Smarter

Baby Einstein Eats When he Wants to

As if moms weren't under enough pressure... A new study in the European Journal of Public Health claims that feeding on demand makes for a smarter baby.

Regardless of extenuating factors, regardless of whether they are bottle-fed or breast-fed, babies who fed on demand were found to perform better academically and score an average of 4-5 points higher on IQ tests between the ages of five and 14 than those fed on schedule. 

Babies across socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, subjected to a myriad parenting styles, who were fed on demand consistently scored higher on SATs at ages five, seven, 11, and 14.   

Though the research carried out by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex and the University of Oxford was the largest study of its kind—with 10,000 participants—lead author Dr. Maria Iacovou insists that more research is needed to determine the causal link between feeding patterns and IQ.

Moms who fed on demand also reported feeling more confident and satisfied. Would this research persuade you to feed your baby on demand, or is it yet another pressure on new moms?   
