Lisa Thornbury: Party Mummy


Bad Girls Badminton - Estrofests Guest Post

A Get-Together That Encourages the Release of One's Inner Bad Girl

“It’s the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time.”  – Tallulah Bankhead

I am not much of a cook. In fact, I wanted to turn my kitchen into an extra bedroom until someone reminded me that I needed a refrigerator for martinis. So, why I was in charge of making the Cherries Jubilee for Bad Girls’ Badminton is still a mystery. And why I didn’t go look up a recipe is....well....probably because I was more interested in creating my Lisa Novak* costume. I knew, of course, that I needed cherries and alcohol. What could be easier?

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How To Organize A FUNdraiser

Stress Free Steps to Follow

Planning a fundraiser may seem daunting, but as long as you follow a few key steps, organizing a successful event can be relatively stress free.

Start with a cause that moves you.  If you feel passionate about it, everything will fall into place.

Don’t re-invent the wheel. Ask questions and utilize plans and systems others have found to be effective in the past.

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Dress the Part

Turn and Ordinary Evening into an Extraordinary Evening

Going to the movies with the girls is always a great night out. But, to really amp up the fun, choose your next film with a costume in mind. For example, wearing Bridesmaids dresses to see the movie "Bridesmaids" turns an ordinary night at the cinema into an extraordinary GNO. It's a simple, inexpensive and fun way to have a memorable night with your girlfriends.

Troll the Goodwill for the ugliest dress you can find.

Sweep your hair into a fancy updo (all I could manage was a ponytail).

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Drinking and Driving is Never OK

How To Deflate An Elephant

A hostess has many duties, but the most important and often most awkward responsibility is ensuring guests are safe. Drinking and driving is never OK.

With the Victoria Long Weekend mere days away (please, PLEASE stop raining) there will be cottaging, BBQ'ing and partying galore. With this in mind, the LCBO is reminding hosts and party goers to not let drinking and driving be the elephant in the room.

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Party Dos and Do NOTS

Tips for partying like a 22 -year old in a 40-ish year old body

Life is stressful for all of us, for different reasons. This is why no matter how busy or tired or blue or whatever it is that's preventing you from getting out with your MUST make a point of letting loose. It feels great. Well, it does unless you over-indulge and spend the entire day-after hung over and begging for mercy and Tylenol. But generally speaking, going out and shaking what your mamma gave ya is always good for the soul.

Here are some of my dos and don'ts for partying like a 22 -year old in a 40-ish year old body.

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Summer Drink Trends

Cool off with these refreshing summer sippers

I haven’t been trendy in years. Funky fashion has given way to sourcing out the funky smell in the mini-van. However, while perusing the LCBO Trend Report, I discovered that unlike my current lifestyle, my beverage choices are actually pretty hip. Is hip even a trendy hip saying anymore?

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Cinqo de Mayo Recipes

Sweet and Salty To Satisfy Your Cravings

"Estoy en estos pastelitos como el blanco del arroz." Roughly translated, I’m on these cupcakes like white on rice!

Such a yummy treat for Cinqo de Mayo. If only I could actually bake…

Margarita Cupcakes
Makes 24 cupcakes

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Holy Guacamole; It's Fiesta Time!

Celebrate Cinco De Mayo With These Tasty Recipes


I’ve only been to Mexico once, I gag at the sight of Tequila and piñatas make me nervous. So why do I get so excited about Cinco de Mayo?  Ola? Perfect excuse to eat Mexican food...aka the tastiest food in the americas. 

For past fiestas we’ve made enchiladas or set up a fajita or taco bar. This year we’re keeping it simple. Our menu includes:

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Party Graffiti

When Drinks Are Involved The Pranks That Ensue Are Hilarious

Last year I painted one kitchen wall with chalkboard paint. The result was dramatic, but also functional. The kids have half the wall reserved for them to doodle and draw to their hearts' long as they keep their dusty paws off MY side.  My clean, pristine section is mine all mine. It's where I proudly display our weekly menu. I get a great deal of satisfaction looking at it. It makes me feel organized. And on top of things. And hungry. Sometimes I drool.

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A mom in our yummy community is organizing a baby shower and asked for suggestions for a fun game. The YMC put it out there on Facebook asking, “What's the BEST baby shower game you've ever played?"  

Oh baby, who knew shower games were such a hot button issue? People either love baby shower games or they really, really hate them.

I happen to be someone who LOVES them.

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Mammograms: Get the Lowdown on the Boob Squish

Boobs Under Glass Is NOT A Menu Item

I had my first mammogram last fall. Mammograms can be scary. Especially if you’ve never had one.  I tried to lessen its frightful image by pronouncing “mammogram” like you would if you were announcing a candygram (like in the old SNL shark candygram skit). It helped. But only a little.

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Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ten Tips For The Perfect Cookie

Tips For Entertaining From The Gourmet, The Baker and The Cocktail Shaker

Today's Tip is brought to you by Shelley...The Baker

Do your homemade chocolate chip cookies pass the “mmmm” test or do the kids eat them simply because they contain sugar and chocolate? 

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Uh Oh, Porno

Nothing says family outing like a trip to the local porn shop.

As I was getting to set to participate in my first Weekend to End Women’s Cancers, I agreed to attend a fab fundraiser called Boobfest. I wanted to bring something to the party to show my enthusiasm and decided on homemade chocolate boobs. Of course. 

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Family Road Trip: Party on Wheels

On-the-go games to keep kids happy and occupied on your next family road trip

I spend a LOT of time shuttling my kids hither and dither. I practically LIVE in my minivan. Not like "Matt Foley" …

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Simple Nibbles To Serve At Your Cocktail Party

The drinks are flowing, but what appetizers should you serve?

Once the cocktails have been organized, it's time to plan the noshy bits and bites.

1. Keep it simple.

2. Choose items that are easy to nibble one-handed.

3. Try to select items that can be made ahead of time and simply put out when guests arrive.

4. Choose several cold/room temperature items that can sit out for the duration of the party.

5. Serve 3 or 4 hot items right as they come out of the oven (when one hot dish is nearly finished, pop the next one in the oven and serve).

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Host Budget Conscious Cocktail Party

The lowdown on highballs...on a budget

Parties hosted by moi are usually come-as-you-are, no muss, little fuss, casual affairs. But every once in a while I like to class up the joint and host a swanky cocktail party. I trade in my jeans for a dress, actually style my hair and apply that coloured stuff to my lips. You know, not Chapstick...actual lipstick. Really, I go all out.  

People sometimes shy away from hosting a cocktail party. The task can seem complicated and stuffy, not to mention expensive. But it doesn’t have to be that way...

Here’s How To Serve Cocktails On A Budget:

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Dissing Discomfort

Have you every been asked to do something waaaaaay outside your comfort zone?

I'm sick. I napped most of the day, but I finally succumbed to the numbing boredom and brought my laptop to bed with me. As I sorted through some old computer files, lo and behold there in my "PartyMummy" folder was an unpublished post!  So here it is, WAY out of date and irrelevant but what the hell, I'm sick and can barely string three coherent words together so I'm posting it. Thank you Blog Gods for sending me this gift. 

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Hostess Trifecta - Valentine's Dinner For Two

Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Rosemary, Wine and Chocolate Sauce