
Menopause And Weight Gain

Blame Hormones. But Not For Everything

Menopause is often blamed for the middle-age "spread" that affects many women. But does menopause actually cause weight gain? Maybe you've noticed the pounds creeping on since your cycle got a little less regular. Or maybe your own mother has warned you how it all goes down hill after the "change of life."

(Who invented that creepy term anyway? I am going to go ahead and say that getting knocked up and giving birth was the "change of life" for me... as in, used to have one and now "WTF happened to my life?")

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Why Women Don't Eat Healthfully

Excuses, Excuses. Time To Start Planning.

Picture this. It's 9:30 p.m. and you're laying on the couch with a dish of ice cream. You mentally scan over the day's food intake. Morning: bagel & cream cheese. Lunch: fast food chicken burger (that's healthier, right?) and fries. Dinner: frozen pizza picked up on sale on the way home.

Grade: C-. And I'm being generous. OK, its more of a D. I'm sorry! It's true. You almost failed. You did eat 3 meals, but really...D is the best I can give you here.

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Sitting Still Is Killing You

Hitting The Gym Can't Save You Now

If you sit at your desk or breakfast table-cum-desk-cum-scrapbooking surface-cum-secondary ironing board for most of your day, then hope a half hour jog around the block is enough to "loosen" you up, you're in for a nasty surprise.

Time to rethink your strategy, weekend warriors and morning jogger-office types.

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So it's been about 45 degrees in Toronto lately (no exaggeration!) and it looks like the Farmer's Almanac was right again. That's right, I grew up in the Prairies and I consider the Farmer's Almanac as trustworthy as any Weather Network scientists—it's okay, you can sa

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Jessica Simpson's Post-Baby Body

4 Million Dollars To Lose The Baby Weight

Yet another celebrity postpartum weight loss spectacle to awe and inspire us. Or make us feel terrible about ourselves.

Jessica Simpson has signed on with Weight Watchers to be their next official spokesperson, reportedly hooking a $4 million deal to lose the baby weight within a year. One has to assume her paycheque depends on her successful weight loss.

Hmmm... that is a scenario I can sort of relate to, actually.

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10-Second Weight Loss Tricks

Quick Tricks To Retrain Your Brain

I’ve collected and distilled a few quick weight loss tricks for you. These are a few 10-second tricks I’ve tried in my quest to lose the baby weight after having my children. They're all quick and simple and, best of all, totally safe!

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An Effective 10-Minute Workout

Choose Your Own Fitness Adventure

Recently I've been enjoying some 10-20 minute workouts sprinkled throughout my week. I teach Belly Bootcamp classes six days per week and run usually 1-2 times per week with clients. Outside of this I try to find time to add in extra bits and bobs that help me to be prepared for my day job as well as to reach my own fitness goals.

Yes, even trainers have fitness goals!

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Low-Carb Lunches For Weight Loss

One Of My Top Tips for Fat Loss

A lot of my clients keep food journals for me, and we review them weekly (or more frequently, if needed) to strategize ways they can cut down on extras and eat more in alignment with their fitness goals.

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