Remembrance Day
To those who never returned home and to those who did - we Remember.
Remembrance Day A Moment of Silence |
A military spouse reminds us of the many reasons we observe a moment of silence on November 11th.
Gabby really wanted to present her painting to a soldier and to say “thank you” herself.
Make Poppies with your kids for Remembrance Day
A great Remembrance Day craft for you and your kids.
flanders fields, World War II, tail gunner
My grandfather planned to be a pilot but when he was asked to take on this position, he accepted because he knew they were running out of men for this job.
Daily Inspiration: One person CAN make a big difference.
veteren before and after
Jim Wolf, who has wrestled with alcoholism and homelessness, was transformed in a jaw-dropping time-lapse video inspired by Dove's “Evolution” ad campaign.
I left for my basic training two weeks after I graduated from high school.