How to Get your Moxie On

How Working in the Trades Resulted in a Brand New Business for One Mompreneur

Using my hands to build stuff was something I just always wanted to do, so after my second child, I decided to do it! I ditched my high heels for work boots and enrolled in a skilled trades program. Who knew life would take me down a different path and I’d soon become “The Pink Boot Lady?”

So there I was, a new tradeswoman-in-training out for her first shopping trip for work gear, when to my utter shock, I realized there was nothing available for women anywhere! Not a single work boot, tool belt or hard hat made to fit a woman, and certainly nothing that had even a hint of femininity or style. Everything was for men but in smaller sizes, and terribly unstylish.

I just couldn’t believe it! I mean, no one would ever ask a corporate woman to put on her husband’s suit before work. Why then, should women who work in the skilled trades, on factory floors or work in construction be forced to wear gear that wasn’t designed for them? And having personal style? – FORGET IT! It was as if women were forced to blend in, in hopes that they wouldn’t stand out or even be themselves. I was horrified.

I talked to a lot of people, did my research and found that there was a huge gap in the industry – tons of women were out there looking for products made specifically for them. They wanted safe, durable stuff that let them show their personality. I started with pink boots, but of course women wanted the whole outfit (tool belt, protective glasses, t-shirts, and hard hats). I also made sure to have a few different colour lines because I know not every woman likes pink.

I called my company Tomboy Trades, but kept thinking that women in the skilled trades, in the factories or warehouses and DIYers are all about moxie – they are breaking through what was once a male-dominated world and aren’t afraid to be bold, confident and successful out there – exactly what Tomboy Trades was about! It seemed a no-brainer then that I should rename it “Moxie Trades.”

On October 20th, 2008 with the support of a whole bunch of strong, courageous women, I was on CBC’s The Dragon’s Den and turned down their biggest deal to-date – it just wasn’t the right deal for Moxie Trades. I did make a behind-the-scenes deal with Brett Wilson, which will be on the season’s finale on December 8, 2008 however so stay tuned!

Moxie is making an impression – we’re now in Zellers, Home Depot, a bunch of independents in Canada and the U.S., and most recently, Wal-Mart took a chance with us giving us distribution in 27 stores so far.

It’s been a great ride to-date and I can’t wait to see what’s in our future!

Wanna win some cool Moxie Workwear? Click here and win!

Marissa McTasney, also known as the Pink Boot Lady is the founder and owner of Moxie Trades Ltd. Our company is home of the pink work boot and aims to provide work wear for women that are stylish, durable and practical.

She wanted to teach her own kids how to dream big, think the impossible and love passionately. Marissa's goal was to build houses, either as a contractor, tradeswoman or by flipping houses. She attended the Women in Skilled Trades program at the Center for Skilled Trades. On her first day of school, she had a “eureka” moment and started her company.

After realizing a gap in the market, Marissa brought the pink work boot to life and now runs her distribution business full time and is expanding the product line in hopes to satisfy the untapped market of women who wear work boots.

Moxie Trades products are now available through Home Depot, Zellers and Wal-Mart with independents carrying the line in the United States.