The Biggest Lies Ever Told About Parenting

From tantrums to sleep to weight loss...

We've all heard lies about parenting - and possibly inadvertently spread some, too - but here are the big ones out community and YMC staff came up with.
Just need to talk calmly to them in language they understand and it will be fine! NOPE sometimes you just need to  
lose your shit!
Darlene S.

Let the baby cry themselves to sleep"... No thanks
Renee R.

It gets easier!
Kim D.

Girls are easier than boys
Dawn VA

They're far enough apart they won't fight... PHHHT!! Lol LIARS
Crystal M.

My (insert ridiculously early age here) sleeps through the night
Sandy A.

It's just colic. Colic means "I don't know what's really wrong but it's your problem not mine."
Shayna J.

You'll never sleep again!
Janet S.

You'll bounce right back after having baby (weight, sleep, energy)
Shirley M.

Every year it gets better... NOT true... I loved age three for both kids. As they get older there's more attitude and less cute...
Christine D.

Never make eye contact with your baby while breastfeeding.....I thought she was crazy.
Charlene E.

Get ready for your first child to reject the newborn and regress in potty training. Never happened.
Patricia L.

You shouldn't have kids until you are financially stable and ready overall.... sure it's great to have money aside, but  you never know when you'll lose your job.
Gabrielle C.

The toddler years are the most difficult.
Catherine B.

Ignore the tantrum and it will stop.
Karen C.

Breastfeed and watch the baby weight melt away...such lies!
Joanne S.

It gets easier as they get older. Such a lie. Just a different kind of hard.
Chandra B.

Don't let him cry it out, he'll never learn to trust you or love you. Bottle feed babies don't bond as well as breast fed babies. Sleep when he sleeps. And my personal favorite: he'll eat whatever you give him if he's hungry enough. It's no wonder us mothers can end up feeling so neurotic at times (or maybe it's just me??).
Tracy C.

Enjoy the moments there will be time to clean later. My oldest is 7 and my twins are 1... when is later?
Jessica D.

It gets easier when they get past the preschool stage. LIES. #momofpreteens
Angella Dykstra

That when they are babies/toddlers, parenting is easy (and it gets hard when they get older).  #itsreallyreallyhardwhenyoureinthetrenches
Sarah Remmer

That sometimes its easier to be a solo parent because you get to set all the rules. Having to do it all, by  yourself, looks incredibly challenging to me!
Paula Roy

That the baby weight just melts away when you breastfeed. Bahahaha
Anne A. Radcliffe

That your parenting life isn't complete unless you have children of both genders, and yes,  someone did say that to me.
Nicole MacPherson

A toss up between: 1. They won't sleep much for the first year but this too shall pass. 2. Parenting  comes naturally.
Katia Bishofs

That you should always respond to your child's every want and need. Ummm no.
Alanna McGinn

That once your children are past the preschool years you will sleep again. I have a 16 year-old daughter and let me tell you - because I have to drive her everywhere, or when she is getting a ride home from someone else - I cannot sleep until she is back in the house. I think I have slept a collective 47 hours since 1998. I AM  NOT KIDDING.
Jeni Marinucci

That it will go quickly. Not true when there are six. I can't believe I still have a 5 year old.
Julie Cole

Breastfed babies' poo doesn't stink. Ha!
Jennifer Sherwood Hicks

That you get used to sleep deprivation.
Jennifer Zaplitny Rathwell

That the baby would latch on, as if by magic. Ha! Major learning curve. Also, that whole terrible twos myth.
Andrea Mulder-Slater

Also, that I was going to love every second of being a mother. I wouldn't give up being a  mother for anything but I don't love every second of it.
Natalie Lelacheur-Romero

And last but not least, this little piece of advice from parenting expert Andrea Loewen Nair:

That knowing what to do comes naturally.

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