
Stop Hating on Angelina Jolie

The Right Leg & the Wrong Attitude

Stop Hating on Angelina Jolie

So I have to admit before you read this post (and before I write it, I guess...) that I did not even watch the Academy Awards last weekend. But I'd have to be under an even bigger rock than I already am in order to have missed this whole "right leg debacle" and the ensuing negativity toward Angelina Jolie.

I have attacked a celeb. Or two. It's true. I don't criticize a celebrity's shape, size or level of fitness. When I write something negative about a celebrity I write about my perception of their inappropriate roles as models of female success, confidence and health. Skinny does not equal happy and healthy. Neither does overweight, on the other hand. I have learned that I take my life in my hands when I comment on a celebrity—without fail, there are readers out there who will disagree vehemently with my criticism and defend to the death these pop culture bobbleheads. OK, maybe "bobbleheads" was a bit rude. Did I mention I didn't watch the Oscars? Or that I don't know half of the actresses anyway? Did I mention I have never watched a single episode of Survivor? Did I mention I live under a small rock?

But even I, under my rock, can recognize a celebrity who is DYING for attention. If any of the following didn't tip you off, let's revisit, in no particular order:

  • married Jonny Lee Miller in a shirt stained with her own blood
  • married Billy Bob Thornton...weird in general
  • wore husband's blood around neck
  • open-mouth kissed biological brother in public
  • had a very obvious and public relationship with famous married man
  • admitted to a heroin addiction (not weird but obviously not private)
  • adopted 3 children, birthed 3 children & converted to a "Madonna" archetype
  • admitted to being bisexual (again, not weird but obviously not considered private)

And, yes, I had to look a few of those up. I knew she was a bit offbeat but couldn't recall all the exact details. I'm sure I've missed a thousand odd comments and awkward moments in this list, but you get the idea.

Not to mention the fact that she just reeks of self-consciousness in every photo, interview and even movie (as far as I'm concerned). Angelina's demeanour reminds me of that painful stage during the teen years when one is convinced that every eye in the room is on her. That every word she says and pose she strikes is for the consumption of others. And in Angelina's case it is actually true. Every little thing she does, wears or says is churned into worldwide press, good or bad.

I think the best thing for this woman would probably be if we would just leave her alone. But people love to talk about her. They love to make fun of her. They love to look at her. They love to hate her.

On a National Post article entitled, "Angelina Jolie's Right Leg At the Academy Awards, In Photos," here are a couple of the choicest comments:

"Amapola" said: That is the ugliest skinniest chicken leg I have ever seen. KFC would throw it out! They say that anorexics don't know they are too thin...I hope enough people have told her now.

"dismayed71" said: Bag of bones. I've seen chickens with healthier legs. She must be 100 lbs soaking wet.

She might have an eating disorder. I don't know. You don't know. She hasn't admitted that yet. She looks pretty thin—of course, But so do...
...just to name a few.
Angelina Jolie is so obviously awkward, self-conscious and troubled. Can't everyone see that?
Have a little compassion. She's a person. She has a drug addiction, 6 kids, a very public marriage, some questionable health, no relationship with her parents, 2 failed marriages under her belt and God knows what else.
I would probably be a little awkward and self-conscious too.