
What's Your "Real Meaning" of Christmas?

A Personal Reflection

What's Your "Real Meaning" of Christmas?

We have now experienced three Christmas celebrations, taken a couple long car rides, hosted a few shindigs, and done all of the shopping, eating, drinking and making merry that goes along with our holiday season.

Throughout our travels, the packing and unpacking, the laundry, the grocery lists, the gift exchange spreadsheet, and the gazillion details (that always work themselves out one way or another), I have been overcome by emotions a few times as I tried to put into words what Christmas means to me. Here goes:

Life. Full to the brim with kids, spouses and grandparents, games, meals, and outdoor adventures. Family. Love, shared history, old jokes that are laughed at because they are so ridiculous. Connecting. Reminiscing.

Traditions. Passed on and shared from our individual families mixed with new traditions of our own. Celebrating.

A time of reflection. Of thankfulness for all that we have. Of the beauty and richness of our life. Of the losses we’ve endured over the years yet despite these losses our loved ones who have passed still feel so present. Remembering.

Aware. That life can turn on a dime and that every snapshot of happiness is so precious. Sending love to friends who are struggling through the holidays.

Joy. In the grandparents’ faces as they watch our children explore and grow. In our kids’ eyes as they see their cousins or decorate a gingerbread house or spy round the corner to see if Santa has come. In my husband’s eyes as we share a quiet moment of pride in our two beautiful children.

Peace. At the end of the day, when the kids are asleep, and my husband and I can sip a glass of wine and enjoy each other’s company. Computers turned off, cellphones silent.

Heart. I love this season.

Happy holidays to all. I wish you peace and happiness for the new year.