At the beginning of 2012, I wrote a post about how different the “new year” felt for me this year. That my phrase for the year would be “where attention flows, energy goes.”
Regulars readers of this column—and I can't say enough thanks to the many of you who have been checking in for the last two and a half years—know that the name "Meditating Mummy" has a lot to do with the fact that I try to reflect on life, on living with awareness, and about this whole parenting gig. As I said in my very first post, I am no zen-master sitting cross-legged on a mountain top. Nope. But I am a big believer in the importance of taking stock of my life on a regular basis—my family life, my relationships, my work—and acknowledging when something is working well or when something needs to change.
By nature, I’m a "yes" person. I like to do a lot of things. And always have. I love being a wife, a mom, a writer, a yoga teacher, a Pilates instructor, an entrepreneur, a wellness speaker, a lululemon ambassador, a meditator, a recreational runner.
But…as I’ve learned through some life-changing events over the past year, there are times when stepping back and simplifying is a must. When we need to alter our course slightly and let energy flow elsewhere.
This is one of those times.
As a result, this will be my last blog post here on YMC. It has been such a privilege to share my thoughts in this space over the past 30 months. When I wrote my first Meditating Mummy post, my daughter was three, and my son was just six months old. My daughter is now five and a half, and my son recently turned three. This has literally been a breathing space that has helped me survive tantrums, sleep deprivation, snowsuit struggles, and the juggling of home life and work life.
I am so thankful to Erica for the amazing opportunity, to the YMC staff and bloggers for their awesomeness, and to everyone I’ve met through this blog—both online and off—and to those who have read and commented on my posts.
I’m not disappearing entirely. I’ll still be writing for YMC here and there, you can still find me on Twitter and around the blogosphere. But right now I need to pause, change, simplify, and see in what new directions my attention flows and energy goes.
From the bottom of my heart,
Namaste (which means, "I honour the light within you")