
Starting Solids: Is Infant Rice Cereal the Best First Food?

Is feeding a baby rice cereal first based on science or tradition?

Is feeding a baby rice cereal first based on science or tradition? The truth about what your baby's first food should be might surprise you. | Parenting |

My third baby is six months old today, and about a week and a half ago, he tried his first real food. Want to know what it was? Salmon! Not pureed, not mashed, and not mixed with breastmilk. Just barbequed salmon with a bit of olive oil brushed on before grilling, in pieces that were big enough for him to pick up and soft enough to easily break apart in his mouth.

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Week Four of my Budget Eating Challenge started with a conundrum. This was the last week of the challenge. Should I:

a) Live like I would if I knew all budget restrictions come off me next week? Or
b) Live like a person would knowing that they were stuck on a restricted budget for the foreseeable future?

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Gluten, Sugar and Nut-Free Muffins That Don't Suck

Healthy Enough for Breakfast, Yummy Enough for a Midday Snack

I’m an oatmeal girl.

I start my days filling up on a bowl full of hot steel cut oats, flavoured with a touch of salt and butter. Sometimes I get wild and crazy and throw on a drizzle of honey, a handful of raisins and a few almonds.

My daughter – on the other hand – is not an oatmeal girl. At least, she isn’t one anymore.

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Why You Shouldn't Bribe Your Kids With Food

Is this short-term solution to behavioural issues worth the long-term consequences?

bribing kids with food

What is the easiest and fastest way to get your child to do something that you want or behave in a certain way, NOW? By offering some sort of treat food, right?! We've all done it. I see it time and time again—at the grocery store, in the mall, at the playground, during a play date etc.

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Six Healthy, Kid-Friendly Breakfast Ideas

Yummy breakfast ideas kids actually like.

As Moms, we all know how important breakfast is, both for ourselves and our kids. Having breakfast within an hour of waking up gives us the energy we need to start the day, kick-starts our metabolisms, helps us focus and concentrate all morning, and can even control our appetites and cravings all day, preventing unhealthy snacking later (especially when breakfast includes enough protein). This, in turn, helps us to reach a healthier weight.

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Athena Hohenberg Wins Class-Action Lawsuit Against Nutella

The judge sided with her claims that Nutella had engaged in misleading marketing and awarded up to a $3 million dollar settlement.

Athena Hohenberg Wins Class-Action Lawsuit Against Nutella

Athena Huhenberg sues Nutella for misleading marketing

She may go by the name Scatteredmom online, but Karen really is anything but scattered when it comes to the kitchen.  Churning out tasty treats within view of the Georgia Strait on Canada's west coast, Karen will hand you an organized weekly meal plan or teach you how to make meals from scratch.  As Mom to a teenage boy, she knows exactly what it takes to keep kids full and happy-which has really come in handy with her job as the Food Editor at Yummy Mummy Club.

A strong supporter of Food Revolution who has been endorsed by Jamie Oliver himself, by day Karen can be found working as a special education teaching assistant, running a kitchen and showing teenagers how to cook nutritious meals for themselves.  By night, when she's not chatting on Twitter and answering cooking questions,  she writes her popular blog Notes From the Cookie Jar, or posting mouthwatering recipes over at Chasing Tomatoes.  Not afraid to give her opinion and passionate about community, Karen spoke at Blissdom Canada 2010 and her writing has been published in Canadian Living magazine, as well as in various online publications. 

Follow Karen on Twitter @scatteredmom

Immune-Boosting Food

fight infections with...lunch

Interested in gaining a little advantage over all those nasty viruses this cold and flu season? Here’s a great way to bolster your defenses: with food! Bring this list to the grocery store and fill your shopping cart with immune-boosting yummies.


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Why You Need to Break This Feeding Habit

Grow an independent, confident and mindful eater by teaching her how to self-feed

Why Your Toddler Should Feed Themselves |

It's 5:00pm and you have to get your son to soccer by 5:45pm. You're rushing to get food on the table and trying to get your kids ready and fed in 20 minutes so that you can get out the door on time. Every minute is accounted for. And then, after plating your kids' food (and as you start to scarf your own meal down), you peek over at your toddler who is casually poking and playing with her food, maybe picking away at the dinner roll or piece of bread only. You remind her to eat quickly because you don't have much time. Again. And again.

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