
Adoptee Friended by Mom on Facebook

Facebook Responsible for Surge in Reunions

Facebook is more than a means to let your friends know what you did last night. The social networking site with millions of subscribers worldwide has increasingly become a tool for tracing -- and occasionally reconnecting -- severed biological ties.

Sixteen-year-old Alexander Dorf had the shock of his life when a random message appeared on his Facebook "wall" from a Florida woman named Terri Barber: "Hi, I was just wondering if your parents’ names are Jamie & Jeff?”

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The Canadian Cancer Society is urging all Ontario political parties to commit to new legislation restricting indoor tanning for those under 18. According to an Ipsos Reid poll conducted this month, 83 per cent of Ontario residents support an all-out ban on tanning salons by minors.

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Starving Moms-to-be

There's a sad trend going on in the baby-bearing world. For years now, celebrity moms like Victoria Beckham and Bethenny Frankel did their utmost to limit weight gain during pregnancy, and have taken even more extreme measures to leave the hospital looking like they were never pregnant in the first place.

Frankel reportedly lost 30 lbs within a month of delivering her baby girl, while Beckham, who is due to give birth on July 4, is "sporting a belly less pronounced than your average beer gut".

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British Mom Smothers Baby

Co-sleeping: A Cautionary Tale

When it comes to co-sleeping, a little hysteria goes a long way. As many moms will attest, co-sleeping is a wonderful opportunity for breastfeeding and bonding.

And although many parenting manuals advise against sleeping with baby in your bed, if done responsibly, there is nothing cooler than cuddling up with your little cooing bundle -- responsibly being the operative word.

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It seems politicians aren't the only ones being caught sending inappropriate text messages these days. Even the notoriously technology shy Amish are guilty of sexting.

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Recall: Dole Bagged Salad

May be Contaminated with Listeria

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has recalled bagged salad sold in Ontario for fear that it could cause food poisoning.

The "Italian Blend Salad" by Dole may be contaminated with listeria, according to the government agency. Although the 283-gram plastic bags of salad might smell and taste fine, they could carry Listeriosis, an illness caused by listeria, which can lead to high fever, headache, stiff neck and nausea.

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Spanish Mom Loses Baby for Breastfeeding

Reunited and it Feels So Sood

Imagine having your baby taken away from you for almost a month. For breastfeeding her.

Following an international campaign backed by childcare guru Sheila Kitzinger, a Spanish mother has won back custody of her 15-month-old child. Habiba and baby Alma were finally reunited three weeks after a Madrid social services committee temporarily removed the infant, allegedly because the mother "breastfed on demand".

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Two's a Couple, 72's a Crowd

Couple Fosters 72 Kids

The next time you feel a little overwhelmed and exhausted having 2.1 kids in the house, pay a thought to this Pennsylvania couple who are about to welcome their 72nd foster child. That's seventy-two, as in 70 plus 2!

Typically, the couple has rarely looked after more than a one or two kids at a time since fosters are generally short-term houseguests.

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Graphic New Cigarette Warning Labels

US Hoping to Decrease the Amount of New Smokers

For the first time in 20 years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is changing its warning labels on cigarette packages. The nine new images depicted are even more disturbing than the usual bold statements such as, “Smoking can kill you” and “Cigarettes cause strokes and heart disease”.

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The Baby Food Diet

Baby Food Ideal for Weight Loss

Fad diets are as fickle as fashion itself. Cabbage soup, that God awful lemonade-maple-syrup-cayenne-pepper potion, the acai berry cleanse...

But the latest trendy diet in Europe might surprise you. Known as the "baby food diet" it involves basically eating, well, what your baby does -- pureed fruits and veggies, up to 14 times a day. Even more surprising, unlike some of its contemporary quick fixes, nutritionists say this diet isn't all that bad for you.

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