
Hey You! Stop Sending Your Sick Kid To School

Why Your Germy Kid Looks Like A Peanut Butter Sandwich To Me

Somebody please tell me why we can’t take peanut butter to school, but sending a highly infectious kid is totally fine?

I get why we introduce policies in schools, and I totally understand the ‘no peanut’ rule. Just so we’re clear this isn’t an attack on any existing policies or the policy makers. This is a plea to the common sense that I think falls through the cracks of harried daily parenting.

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When Does Fertility Become An Obsession?

Knowing When It's Too Much... My Precioussssss

“So, I’m going to need you to go ahead and give me a semen sample.”

Ok. No. That’s not right.

What about—

“So the thing is, if I’m going to go and get my reproductive situation assessed for the future… then… maybe we should talk about the future… and when that might start.”

Not bad. A little Jerry McGuire-ish, but still down to earth. Was it maybe a little too clinical?

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Going Back To My Maiden Name

A Blogger By Any Other Name Would Smell Just As Sweet... I Think

I finally decided to start the ball rolling and go back to using my maiden name.

This isn’t actually a huge change for me. All my documents have been stamped with a mix of both maiden and married monikers. It’s just the way I roll.

My professional work for the most part was always under my maiden name. My banking was always my own. But this blog and my Twitter account—both of which focused on telling the stories of a mom and a wife—used both names. It seemed fitting. It felt right. For a time, it was our story after all. Not just mine.

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How do you know if your toddler is stressed, and how do you deal with it? I have been trying to figure this out myself. Actually, I have been totally stressing over it.

I’m in the middle of separating from my husband.

I have a toddler—a bright, beautiful, 2.5 year old—who loves her dad, loves her mom and, unsurprisingly, has none of the vocabulary necessary to express her feelings with regard to separation. Considering the fact that Hubs and I barely have the right vernacular either, why are we even surprised? But there it is...

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50 Things I Need To Tell My Kid

Life Moves Too Fast Sometimes

Recently it feels like I’ve been living in a pinball machine. I’m noisily bouncing between clients, projects, emotions, and baggage. In moments of clarity I’m actually astounded by the fact that I’m a separated toddler-mom/creative entrepreneur, and producing a short film while basically living out of a suitcase.

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