
Confessions Of A Film Set Mummy: Wednesday

Pre-Production Nerves, Mummy Guilt, And Self-Doubt

A few months ago, I decided to make a movie. Remember? It was my new baby.

Well, after nurturing, growing, and carrying around this project, we kicked it into labour!

On Monday, I packed up my kid, got on a plane, and flew from Toronto to Vancouver to make a movie.

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The 3 Choices You Have After Miscarriage

Know Your Options And What They Mean

pregnancy loss

It happens all too often.

You’re going for a regular ultrasound check up in your first or second trimester, and you find out that your baby has stopped growing.

Your world shatters in less than a moment.
Your life slams on the brakes.
Your heart will never be the same.
And it’s just the beginning.

Not only have you just found out that you have lost your child, but you also have to figure out the most upsetting thing in the world: how you’re going to get it out of you.

Everyone seems to gloss over that, and I’m not sure why.

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I’m not wearing my wedding ring and it feels very strange.

The truth is I haven’t worn it in weeks, but it’s only now, looking at Hubs’ bare hands that I feel odd. Somehow when he removed his, it got me looking for mine. Like I have to visually confirm its absence.

Sometimes I still feel its imprint and my thumb darts across my palm searching for the thin bands on my fingers. It’s like having a ghost appendage.

I remember how important that stupid ring was.

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Family planning, fertility issues, and miscarriage blow a hole in your life. The stress can leave you asking "How do I get over this loss?” or “When will I start feeling better?” and you will not know the answer. That is, until you find the elusive reset button.

My reset button, it turns out, involves having a baby with an ex-boyfriend. Wait. What?

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