I'm going to start this post off by admitting that I had originally intended to use cloth diapers. I even went so far as to order several pairs online. I am now selling those un-used cloth diapers on kijiji (please reserve judgment. I recycle! I compost! I take public transit...when I'm not driving!)  ;)

Anyway, now that I'm changing 12-15 dirty diapers a day—there is a new love in my life and his name is Diaper Genie.

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Hip Hip Hooray For Sleep

"The world is a much brighter and happier place"

You know those ads that say "all you need is cheese?" 

Well I beg to differ. 

"All you need is SLEEP!"

Holy f*cking shit balls of fire—I just had 10.5 hours of sleep with only two feeding interruptions. The world is a much brighter and happier place!

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An Ode to Motherhood

A sleepless nighttime rhyme

It’s 2AM and I have puke in my hair
I’ve just changed your diaper and there’s pee everywhere.
Half asleep, I stumble and make my way back to bed.
Hoping you’ll fall asleep once you’re fed.

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Me as a New Mom

Is motherhood how I imagined it?

Last week I met up with Erica and she pointed her finger at me sternly and said "You MUST write a post about what it's like to be a new mom: was it anything like what you expected?" And then she threatened to beat me up if I didn't write it!

So I write you this blog post out of fear and obligation...

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I'm That Mom

(An Apology To My Son In Advance)

So, I have totally become that Mom  the one who dresses her child up in cutesy outfits and takes embarrassing photos. Anything with animal ears is a must-have. To date, Cole has been a bear (twice), a bunny, and a baby hippo. Most of these animal hats have been crocheted by my mother-in-law, so I sort of had to dress him up in them. (That’s my excuse anyway. I secretly, or not so secretly now, love it and think it’s hilarious!)

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So, I have come to the realization, two-and-a-half weeks after having my baby, that I am in fact a cow. Literally. I’m not complaining about any extra baby weight. I’m being serious. I spend ninety percent of my day with my boobs hanging out-feeding my baby. I don’t do anything else. Sure, I change him after he shits himself (100 times per day) and sometimes he sleeps, but most of the time I am a feeding machine.

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Okay, so I’ve taken several short breaks between feedings over the last few days to write out a full and detailed birth story.

For those of you who would rather read the short and sweet version, I’ve provided you with the Cole’s Notes version. This is also a very clever play-on-words (so please applaud me) because my son’s name is Cole. 
Clever. I know ;) 

The Cole’s Notes on Jen’s Birth Story:

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Baby Warman is Finally Here

8 pounds and 3 ounces of immeasurable love

Hello Everyone!

This post will be very short and sweet since I’m frantically writing it in between naps and feedings, but I wanted to share with you the exciting news:

Baby Warman is finally here!

On Thursday, March 1st at 3:11am my world changed forever when I got to meet my son: Cole Edward Warman.

I am bursting with love, and I can’t contain myself. I can’t even come up with anything clever, funny or witty to say. I’m speechless. And I cry a lot (happy tears).

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My Birth Plan

(or lack thereof)


And if my baby is anything like me, he or she will arrive ten minutes early (I hate being late).

Did you hear that baby? No pressure though, I’ll love you no matter what. I’ll just love you a little more if you listen to me and come on your due date. (I’m kidding by the way) 

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Wait. What was that? A contraction? Nope. Just gas.

Alright ladies and gents,

It’s just about that time. The time where I will be pushing my body to it’s most extreme challenge to date: child birth. 

I’m pretty sure Iron Man competitions have nothing on what I’m about to go through! (Okay, that’s a lie). 

Phrases like “pushing a watermelon out of a straw” come to mind, and as much as I think I know what to expect—I have no idea what to expect!

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