Jen Warman: New Freakin' Mummy


Diaper Genie Grant Me My Wish

I'm going to start this post off by admitting that I had originally intended to use cloth diapers. I even went so far as to order several pairs online. I am now selling those un-used cloth diapers on kijiji (please reserve judgment. I recycle! I compost! I take public transit...when I'm not driving!)  ;)

Anyway, now that I'm changing 12-15 dirty diapers a day—there is a new love in my life and his name is Diaper Genie.

I found myself cuddled up to him in the middle of the night, rubbing him and asking him for three wishes.

My first wish was for more sleep (no luck). My second wish was for a much needed pedicure (no luck. have you seen my chipped toenail polish?). And my third wish was for a convenient way to dispose of my son's dirty diapers: alas, a wish he could grant!

And grant that wish he did—in style!

Did you know that I can fit up to 38 newborn diapers into that sleek device? I just step on the foot pedal, insert the dirty diaper into the open "mouth" of the genie, and that’s it! Amazing! And would you like to know what else is amazing? 

I ASSEMBLED THE DIAPER GENIE MYSELF! This says a lot, because I HATE reading instructions. I'm a fan of improvisation, but that doesn't always work when trying to put something together. But this was super easy. A few clicks and it was done. My attention span was still in tact!

Now I know you're all probably wondering, "But Jen, what do you do when you're out and about? Surely you can't take a 3-foot diaper genie with you!"

Well, I tried at first. I buckled him into the passenger seat of the car but it didn't travel so well. So I called Playtex and said, "Hey Playtex! What's up? (We're casual like that) I was thinking that you guys should design an on-the-go Diaper Genie." And then they said, "We already have one! It's called the Diaper Genie Portable Diaper Bag Dispenser." Genius!

Anyway, so I started using the portable bag dispenser, and it also rocks (and the plastic bags smell like lavender! Which can also come in handy when you bump into a friend on the street and realize you forgot to put on deodorant... Whip out a bag, give your pits a quick rub et voila!) Probably not what they were thinking when they designed the product, but I'm innovative, what can I say?  

But seriously, these little bags & the dispenser are great. They're very much like doggy poop bags that can attach and clip onto your bag or stroller. I'd much rather put a used diaper in a scented bag when I'm out and about rather than hold onto the stinker and remember days later that I've forgotten to dispose of it (this MIGHT have happened to me in the past...)

Alright, I should wrap this up. I smell something—and I think it's a dirty diaper....

Dearest Diaper Genie, here I come!