
The Lorax

Unless the movie makers care a whole awful lot, it's not going to be good. It's not.

The Lorax

I am not one to turn down a popcorn breakfast. Or a popcorn lunch. Or a popcorn dinner. I mean, I am the person who was recently dragged to a movie that I didn't even know I was seeing, because there was promise of popcorn. So, even though I was a wee bit apprehensive to see the movie version of The Lorax, I went. You see, I always worry when good books are made into MOVIES. Sometimes it works, as it did with Harry Potter. Sometimes it doesn't work, as it really didn't with, say, Water For Elephants.

So when it's a book that is as iconic and special as The Lorax, well, you can sort of understand my hesitation, right?


You guys.

I was pleasantly surprised. 

And even though Zac Efron didn't drop a condom on our red (or orange) carpet, it was a fairly great experience overall. 

The Lorax The Movie at its heart is not all that different from The Lorax The Book.

The Once-ler tells the tale of a once wonderful and lush place filled with Truffula Trees and Swomee-Swans, Brown Bar-ba-loots, and Humming-Fishes. But because of The Once-ler's greed to produce the sneed (It's a shirt. It's a sock. It's a glove. It's a hat.) and his ability to completely ignore the warnings of The Lorax, who speaks for the trees because they have no tongues, the trees disappear.


UNLESS. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not. For there still exists one last Truffula seed, so all is not lost. As long as there is someone who cares, there is a chance for the trees to be saved. 

Sure, there are some extra bits added in—a cutesy love story, a scooter, some impromptu musical numbers, a smart-as-a-whip granny, an evil unforunate-hairsyled man who wants to sell air. And, for the most part, I am okay with the additions. I get that to pad out a short children's story, you need appropriate big-screeny additions. 

I get that turning a Dr. Suess classic into a book is a difficult task.

And unless the movie makers care a whole awful lot, it's not going to be good. It's not. 

It seems that someone cared about something more than the environment, because I was surprisingly charmed and delighted by The Lorax The Movie. 

Thanks Generation Seven for inviting me and my family out to see this screening of The Lorax. The message of both the movie and the brand is simple—If you take advantage of nature, you will lose the beauty it brings to your life. You can make simple changes to show you care...and you can be the "UNLESS."