clamshell exercise for legs hips and butt
Lunges and squats go a long way, but toning exercises like this fantastic Clamshell will help sculpt the perfect rear view.
So you've got a knee injury, or an ongoing injury, or some knee pain that just won't go away. What to do... What to do?
trainer tricks
You don't need a ton of equipment to exercise at home. Use these trainer tricks to amp up your routine on the cheap.
Personal trainer, Dara, has a knee injury. Snag her tips for getting off your butt and staying fit while you rehab an injury.
In 2008, NYC upheld a law requiring restaurants to post calorie information for each item on their menus, & Dara is all for it.
Kim Kardashian
Just because Kim Kardashian has curves, doesn't mean she doesn't work for that body. Here's how she does it.
get sweaty
Summer is almost here and some attention to your midsection might be in order! Combine cardio with this Pike Crunch to tone up.
Motherhood is full of bittersweet milestones, some more bitter than others. Dara shares her current blah feelings & how she comes out on top.